I just did the fifth stratum of the new gate, which is ostensibly gremlin-themed. Every single level had mostly constructs, with only a few gremlins thrown in. If you did the levels first, without looking at the theme, and then were asked the stratum, you'd say it was unquestionably a construct-themed stratum. There were lots of retrodes, lots of scuttlebots, and quite a few gun puppies and lumbers. At least one of the levels had a few darkfang menders as the only gremlins in the entire level.
Now, I'm not saying that a gremlin-themed stratum needs to be purely gremlins. But shouldn't at least one level have more gremlins than constructs? The one level that was mostly gremlins that run game in the sixth stratum, which was poison-themed.
I think there's a few deconstruction zones in t5. That's probably it. I never really see Gremlins in the clockworks, except for healers.