Okay, this is gonna be a bit long-winded but I'll try to make it as easy to follow as possible
When you start the game properly (get into Haven) you have three lines of Element-themed armor and shields that you have access to- Ember, Frost, and Circuit, dubbed as modified variants of the starter armors.
However you have access to only two elemental swords built from the proto sword- Hot Edge and Static Edge... So where is it? Where's the ice sword that would go with those two? (inb4 someone suggests this is Nick's number 10 or 11 or whatever)
On a related note, I was in T2 and noticed that Fire mech knights carried swords that looked rather like Hot Edges... And then I saw some T2 non-themed mech knights, and they had similar swords with NEON RED edges (as opposed to the BURNING ORANGE of the Fire-themed dudes). Then later I looked at the Ice mech knights. Same sword, except now it's got a TUNDRA WHITE edge... and silly me, how could I forget the Poison and Volt Mech Knights- They get an ELECTROCUTING TEAL and a SICKENING GREEN edge to their swords respectively!
TL;DR: I would like to ask for Cold Edges. To round off the Static Edge and Hot Edge into a proper elemental triad. That is, assuming they aren't already in the game but deactivated in a manner similar to Slooms and Mewkat hats and the Shroom cap.
Heck, let's ask for a Neon Edge, to act like Prismatech alchemer acts to the other three elemental Alchemers, but to the now completed sword triad mentioned above. and a Uranium Edge (poison lol) too, or glowing green swords in general.
If anyone can give a compelling argument of why these are bad ideas, please do so.
They are starter gear, and have alchemy lines that stop at 2*, meaning of course that nobody uses them after 3 or 4 days of play - they're pointless - there is absolutely no benefit in adding to the collection of rubbish equipment