Would it be better if I have two accounts (on two separate computers) where I use one as my main account and the second account to buy and craft items so I don't have to waste my energy? Or are there benefits to learning recipes or something?
Creating 2 accounts, one main and another for recipes?
Ah, I see. What about lower star items, like the wolver cap/coat? I could save energy for those, right?
Also, if I wanted to make say a Skolver cap, would I need to have all the lower star recipes?
For lower star items, that probably can work.
Technically, you'll need only 5 star recipe and 4 star item (plus other materials, of course), but for the same reasons those 4 star items are bound to their crafters, so you'd have to get your own 4 star recipe if you don't want to pay somebody for 4 star item itself and for unbinding it. To craft 4 star item you'll need 3 star one (and if you are going to craft 3 star one yourself, 2 star item for that), but 2 and 3 star items can be crafted without binding, so you'll probably find a lot of them on Auction House so you wouldn't need to pay for their recipes. So, you need only two highest recipes.
Awesome! Thanks for all the info! :3
You can use the mist tank of your alternate account for crafting items to be sold or for UV hunting. You can also buy weapon or trinket slot or whatever Boost upgrades as if you had a discount of up to 100 CE.
To craft 4 or 5 star item you need an item with 3 or 4 stars heated up to level 5 or 10, respectively. That means that you have to either wear those items on your crafter's account (so they bind to him and you have to pay for unbinding to give them back to main) or level them up on your main character (so they bind to him and you again have to pay for unbinding to give them to second account for crafting). Unbind prices are way greater than any energy you would save this way, so you'd better just learn recipes on the account that's going to actually wear those items.