So if spike strips do damage to me, why can't I lead the monsters over them and let them take damage?
Monsters and spiked strips
There is ___ONE___ other thread with a title mentioning spikes, and it is in the Suggestions section. He could have looked at the title of every other thread in General Discussion (including ones beyond the first page) and not seen anything that would indicate that this question had been asked before. Exactly how much research do you expect a new member to do before asking an ordinary question in an innocuous way?
I'm surprised that this forum has been around for such a short time and is already developing an anti-outsider culture
Re: monsters and spikes/brambles; there has been some discussion about it and there are a lot of ways that it could be handled; the monsters could be damaged by spikes and actively try to avoid them, or be merely slowed down by them, or stick with their current behavior of ignoring them.
It seems like it's been the way it is for a while but since this is a beta nothing is set in stone.
edit: ok nevermind sorry i see where this guy spammed up the forums with inane nonsense overnight
There's no search function on these forums. Chillax.
Actually, there is. It's in the upper right corner.
Sweet :D
Either way, chillax.
This thread is full of new and exciting revelations! :O
Seriously, it was pretty jerky of me to make that remark no matter what the circumstances, but you can at least understand where my patience ran thin, right? :P
Alright, I'm now getting really annoyed by this.
Overgrown path, in particular, seems to have a number of bramble bushes that hurt you. So does totem trouble, etc. These brambles seem to be deliberate -- they are there to make your life hard.
But all those creatures darting in and out, or just sitting in them, or as some people pointed out elsewhere, healers sitting where you cannot get them. And worse, if I'm trying to use my sword on them, I automatically step forward into the bramble like a dodo.
PLEASE, teach your monsters to avoid spikes. And, if I can push them back into the spikes, let me damage them.
Or at least stop making my sword injure me as I try to hit that healer.

With the new update, two other points about spikes:
1. Why do spikes seem to do more damage at lower levels? Do they get pointier somehow? It's fine for monsters to get more dangerous, but adding to the spikes is just strange. Especially in light of the fact that shields have a fixed non-changing strength, which ties into issue #2:
2. This bears repeating: please don't drop hearts and items in the brambles. It's amazing how many new players have effectively committed suicide by trying to retrieve health at the edge of the brambles, only to find that their shields immediately shattered a scant few pixels from the health they were trying to reach.

they are there to make your life hard.
That is their entire purpose.
I don't think I can make it any clearer than that.
Yea, if spikes and bramble get sharper as you go deeper, can I buy some sand paper or something to make them weaker?
Semi-serious, how about a "de-sharpening charm", a trinket to reverse the "deeper depth damage dealing" of them?
Shields that are designed to resist piercing are weaker against other things. Ditto for armor. So I'm deliberately making myself weaker to other things to protect against bramble and spikes, and now I find that I'm no longer protected against them? What's the tradeoff here? Why shouldn't I ignore jelly family armor at this point, and just go for normal armor with normal and elemental protections?
Wait. Piercing resistance no longer protects against spikes and brambles? That would explain why my Rock Jelly Shield isn't helping me with them anymore. Just the other day, I had to walk into brambles to get a Chroma Tear. It's like the Chroma shed a tear of joy knowing that I would have to injure myself to get the item he knew I would so greatly desire.
Also, I think it's on one of the Perimeter Promenade levels, there's a room that spawns a few waves of gremlins, and the shield gremlins always run to the southwest corner in a pile of brambles with their backs turned to me so that I have trouble even shooting at them. They will try their absolute hardest to get to that corner, too. I'm starting to think it's a bug because instead of merely running away from me, they will actually try to run past me to get to that one corner.

Spikes cause piercing damage but we recently changed bramble to normal damage on the account that they are always 'on' and sometimes tricky to avoid them.
We are currently looking in to ways to eliminate instances where loot drops within bramble.
Loot-magnetic trinkets, or perhaps just by holding the shield button down.

Slashing an item should pick it up.
There's not many brambles thicker than the length of your blade.
Either that or let players chop them down with heavy swords or burn them back with fire stuff.
> Spikes cause piercing damage but we recently changed bramble to normal damage on the account that they are always 'on' and sometimes tricky to avoid them.
Icckk. So Jelly armor/shields, with their high piercing defense, is no longer as effective against bramble (and still less as you go down)?
Can you add "Bramble defense: High" to all the jelly family armors/shields?
(Spikes are sometimes tricky to avoid as well; just look at spiral court 2 for the worst I've seen of this so far. Or look at those ultra long spike zones in ... Jigsaw? I think)

Actually, I *love* the idea of being able to slash/burn the brambles away. It would definitely add a layer of strategy to the gameplay, and is completely thematic. If I can destroy boulders with my sword, why can't I chop through some pointy sticks?
Again, this all gets back to the idea that monsters (or players) should never have a totally absolute and unbeatable advantage up their sleeves. Wolver teleporting, gremlin shields, and bramble hideouts should all have some flaw that can be targeted instead of relying on mindless AI repetition- it doesn't have to be much, but adding something would spice up the fight.
That would be cool if vines had hit points and took massive damage from fire.

You guys are going to kill us all by lighting the toxic brambles on fire and smothering the clockworks with deadly fumes.
Instead of putting more power with the fire status ailment, perhaps you could freeze the toxic vines?

Skaf, have you not heard of "icicles"? If anything, they're just as deadly as thorns on their own :<
Curse those darn thorns! Ugh...
Yeah! Let's inflict curse on those thorns, so that when they hurt you, they die :D
On a more serious note, the HP for wings have increased dramatically. I am not happy. I've always envisioned Wings to be frail and weak :c
if you freeze a plant, completelly, with low extreme temperatures, it will surelly don't need to be a farmer to know this >_<.
Now, seriously, i would agree in making then only destroyable by swords, and disconsidering the fire damage. Considering that these plants are growing in metal itself, one should assume that they are quite resistant to natural effects, like hig and low temperatures, diseases, thunders, are already imobile (no stun), and can't attack (no curse, and it doesn't attack you, YOU that goes to them)...But they aren't resistant to other actions, like the usual cleanup with the sword...
Simple idea; you slash them, they go away. A few seconds later they grow back, just like blocks on a regeneration square.
I could imagine this mechanic being used in "surface exploration" levels, if such a thing were to exist.
i will se if i can play ash, to see how it become...but it is goood to hear that some old people form the good times are trying to make something that good nowsdays.
Did you, like, read the forums at ALL before you started posting?
This issue's been discussed like a thousand times already.