Can you confirm that mods totally replace the shield so its UV ability is unaccounted ? (even if you don't pick one)
For example no sword damage bonus medium for a barbarous thorn shield...
Can you confirm that mods totally replace the shield so its UV ability is unaccounted ? (even if you don't pick one)
For example no sword damage bonus medium for a barbarous thorn shield...
i only noticed that when i got into the clockworks. Needless to say, i got pwned
I believe Zike is asking is,
Since the Lockdown match replaces the user's normal shield with one of the 3 "match shields", does one lose the status improvements/ benefits of the shield taken into the match, during the match.
For example, does one still get the sword bonus medium off Barbarous Thorn Shield in a Lockdown match since one is not actually using that shield?
We already answered that.
Your PvE Shield is replaced by the class shield. If you Inspect yourself, you can see the stats of your class shield and also the total bonuses granted to you. Any shield bonuses, you will note, are absent. This is why Swiftstrike Buckler does not dominate T2 play.
your shield is removed entirely when you exit LD you are left without a shield equipped