The core has been sealed for a while now. When can we expect it to open up for exploration, aka Tier 4? I'm dying to press beyond Tier 3 at the moment.
When can we expect Tier 4/The Core?
Ugh. Until we get Tier 4 or another area to explore, this game feels incomplete.
Some us have been waiting for the Core for a lot longer, especially when we're told it was supposed to be "soon" and now here we are, months and months later without it.
Tier 4 is all around you. But you have to choose to see it. You live in a labyrinth of illusion, hopelessly and blissfully blinded by that which you believe is real. You choose a three-tier reality, because it is safest and easiest. You are what makes your desires manifest. You have only three tiers because deep down, it is what you want.
Do you really want a Tier 4?
Do you really, truly, have it in your heart to look yourself in the eye and say that you want a Tier 4?
You can take the blue pill, wake up, and forget this ever happened, like a fading dream.
Or, the red pill, and I show you how deep the Chromalisk den goes. (If you need a minute to equip your Flourish and Dragon Scale armor, that's fine, I won't judge.)
Nay, my Skolver suit and Leviathan are all I need. Show me how deep the rabbit hole hoes.
The story is incomplete without the Core, not the game. I would rather keep the story going, rather than open the Core and oh Alpha squad got in and died, game over.
The story can continue after the core. Another planet, another clockworks, etc.
I would also like to note that we have crash landed on a planet... & basically only explored it by going down. I'm a bit curious about the surface.
& the gold spiney globe holder thingamajigger.
Meanwhile.... make use of the new difficulty lvl which gets activated after you defeated Vanaduke around ~30 times.
It's really easy to activate.
Just play in full ancient suit - depending on the gate it has indeed some T4 feeling. We tried it and after failing in the beginning it slowly becomes playable. Of course we played in ancient suit with Sudaruska and/or Triglav.
No. boredom.
To gain clearance to T4, you need all 5* equipment and need to complete 45 T3 levels. the fee for clearence is 500E. After paying the fee. You have unlimited access to T4. You can also automaticly go to the core entrance (29) for a fee of 750cr. The elevator cost is the same as the normal elevator fee.
The entrance is a larger version of a normal elevator that leads down into the center of the core. The light gradually increases when going down the elevator.
The levels include uncomon monsters, including Trojans, Sloombargos, and maybe a TORTODRONE! :O
Monsters do even MORE damage than T3. Each stratum is 5 dephs, 6 stratums, featuring every family at one time. The stratums switch every 24 hours.
The themes of the dephs are a bright, warm atmosphere with white "dots" drifting everywhere.
The core offers rare items and tokens for rare equipment.
So how long has OOO been saying "The Core will be released 'soon'." How soon is "soon"? I want an exact date, preferably for 2011, BEFORE Star Wars: The Old Republic comes out.
lmao foxhound, I feel your pain. As soon as SWtOR comes out who knows how long it will be before I even think about another game.
When Vanaduke has been defeated ten million times.