I was very excited when lockdown went live I thought there would be a bunch of people like me who set aside some fun T1 gear in order to play some awesome T1 Lockdown. Sadly it seems like there is only T3 going on. I'd love for some people to get on board with this. Maybe get like 20 or so and set times where we all play each other. Could be really fun.
I really want to use all these T1 weapons I never got to, and escape the overused DA for a while. Also with lack of trinkets UVs really come into play!
So I guess I'd like to feel out the want for this lvl of gameplay, and if we get enough eager people, I'll set up a T1 league of sorts.
let me know!
IGN: Revosa (we're already friends woot!)
Also, we need support to queue as arranged teams. Makes setting up mini leagues like this a lot easier to do. Please call your local OOO representative and let them know this is important to you!