Who agrees with me! Tier 2 is much more interesting than the GF / Vog spams in Tier 3!
Tier 3 PvP? Pffft! Tier 2 is where it's at!
As soon as I saw "Last post by BigFootM", I knew that's what I was going to see. -_-
I'm inclined to agree with this.
In T3 PvP, you have one shot kills and unbalanced gear problems.
In T1 PvP, you have enemies that take longer to kill than a PvE enemy while using the wrong damage type and unbalanced gear problems.
In T2 PvP, you can actually have a proper fight where someone dies, but the right loadout can put you at an advantage, and combat doesn't rely on who gets the first hit (making lag more bearable). There can still be gear problems, (example- only one armor/helmet and sword can defend against/deal shadow damage) but it's less notable.
Tiers and some class mod workings aside, it seems almost no balance was actually put into T1 or T3 PvP gear wise. T1 is a click spam fest where guardian = I win because of the health regen and low damage output, and T3 gear... let's put it this way- Have you ever seen a striker with 20+ health that knows what he's doing? It's quite powerful to be able to survive being hit twice with a DA or GF, or eat a full clip and then some of the Argent Peacemaker on T3. I was very glad he was on my team. In order to have that level of health, he would have needed... at least two 4* Love Puppy trinkets. I shouldn't need to inform people on how STUPID HARD those are to get. (IMO Love Puppy trinkets should be banned from PvP- They're far too rare, and break what little balance there is.)
In T3 AND T1, I've seen far too many shutouts where the score difference is over 400/500. That's not a good game- that was unbalanced teams, which is only made worse by the gear problems. (T3, it's hard to regroup, and in T1, it's too hard to KILL people or make them retreat to get them off of points to be able to capture them.) In T2 PvP, I've only seen one shutout so far- the rest of the games I've been in often had a score difference of less than 100, which is a close, fun game- and you don't die every two seconds, and retreating is actually a viable option at times, unlike in T3.
Strongly considering making a gear set specifically for T2 PvP at this point, rather than the hodge-podge of 2-3 star stuff I threw together to try it- I just find T2 Lockdown that much more fun!
I was about to give up on Lockdown until I put together a T2 loadout. Now if they'll just fix the glitch that randomly bumps me into T3 we might be getting somewhere...
I haven't tried tier 2 yet, but I hate tier 3 play. Weapon damage is way too high. I enjoy tier 1 more, but I agree with Buckdida that weapon damage is a little too low. However, low damage is a whole lot better than getting one shotted by a Gran Faust in tier 3 (and that's in 5* with some shadow def!).
screw making gear specifically for T2... tried lockdown once and my team lost 70-500
even with a Tetra + Tri-Heart i was dying in two hits from Gran Faust weapons...
Lockdown for me is like Blast Network... waste of time as their is no fun for me...

I equipped with all 3* gear and no other loadouts, but it still has me at tier 3.
guyjin: make sure that your current loadout is marked as t2 PvP, and then toggle all your other loadouts to PvE (press "L" and then click on any t3 or higher loadouts you might have.

My pvp loadout is marked t3, and i don't know how to change it
Tier 2? Pfffftttt. What lame-Os.
Tier 1 is where it's at.