I are Zeus (Velcro is Aphrodite)
Random Screenie Fun Thread -- SK version
I assume that you are/were referring to http://yrael-eterna.deviantart.com/journal/41638579/
Unexpectedly went into He-man mode inside an arena. D:
just for record (reposted link).
@Avixi Suddenly I have this strange craving for skittles.
You shoot the ghost blocks below the treasure boxes BEFORE you step on the party button.
All hail the statue god!
The material distribution system obviously works...
At vanaduke just an ordinary picture.
One plume is not enough.
nab question: how do I post a link but disguise it in words?
Hard to explain without linking anything, let me link the page.
Messing about with weapons when I see this guy charging his sword like a bomb.
I have yet to perfect that
-Oh wait, I see someone already has one of those.
Hold on.
Still trying to get the hang of Vanaduke. I mean we can do it, just not without dying. We're getting there.
Vanaduke and the guards sure did like to get stuck in the corners.
@Geekfox wait, how did someone manage to unbind a proto sword? Or did they get it as the game's most hilariously disappointing gear drop...
But I have to remember, it's not the size of the sword that matters, it's how you use it.
The other day I dug through my SK folder and added some screenies to my wiki page.
Some of these are REALLY nostalgic, with weird stuff from beta:
Is it me, or that snipe on the pod is actually sitting on his throne? XD
The most expensive item currently in the Auction House.
Apparently, this is more rare and more expensive than any Wolver Tail.
Took these ones tonight, thought they looked cool.
This is what happens when screen freezes in the middle of a bomb ( lol at 1 connection bar at the top)
I can dream, can't I?
There seems to be one other person bidding on it right now, and I'm not sure if I'm trolling them or they're trolling me, 'cause we both keep bumping up the price by the minimum bid...
Depth 17, arena. After the second room, a vitapod drops from a box. Should be a +8, right? Right????
The other funny thing though is that we didn't line up for the screenshot by design, but spontaneously.
The out-of-nowhere party button that leads to... nowhere. (Already submitted bug report.)
Y'no that Konjuring Kat in Moorcroft? I should never have trusted it...
It transported me to a dimension of doom, where all my sins finally caught up with me...in a creepily festive fashion. ^_- ?
Got spare time? Become a monster in the ATH!
3 words/ Lifts. Hate. Me. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044937013/screenshot/61384591...?
No big deal. I'm just untouchable.
@Psychodestroyer You think lifts hate you? They won't even let me on.
And don't even get me started on the prize wheel.
Sweet Jesus, it's beautiful...
Being badass with a Callahan:
Luminite sale:
Being stupid:
My monies:
A pic like this would be easy to arrange, but it took forever for everyone to be in the right spot D;
Me against the World: King of the Hill, Guardian of the Key: (Whatever you call it.)
Ruby hates me :(
http://steamcommunity.com/id/RayWiIIiamJohnson/screenshot/63298819118205... I made an FoV from a overweight Vog
This jelly is obviously just a figment of my imagination, the gate has dropped so logically I must have cleared the room.