Are there some good long range weapons? I know that some bombs have a very long range (normaly the shard bombs) but it's hard to aim if the enemy is far away, so i want to change to a long range guns. Which gun has a long range? Many of them i already used had lack of range..
Long Range Weapons
Can you recommend one of these weapons? I guess the needle shot isn't very accurate at all but i know nothing about magnus or antigua besides how to get them.
The Magnus is very good against Wolvers and Fiends. In fact, it's the go-to gun for those types for every gunner. But it's not good at all for FSC.
The Antigua usually become an Argent Peacemaker, so have split damage piercing/elemental, meaning it's less loved by pure gunner. It's an excellent general purpose for FSC, as it does bonus damage against fiends and undeads, the 2 main mobs in FSC. It's bad everywhere else. A Pure gunner will prefer to have Polaris + Blitz Needle for FSC.
The needle root you in place (for longer than Magnus), so it's hard to use. In FSC, it is used to kill Trojans very fast, shot through mist, and do excellent damage to Vanaduke. Outside of FSC, I would still prefer a Magnus, but it is usable too. It has higher dps, but is harder to use and leave you very exposed.
I see the magnus has two different end settings. One is the iron slug which does normal damage. Does it shoot with less range than the callahan?
Don't get Iron Slug, from what I heard, Iron Slug can stun you and not the enemy. However, Callahan will stun the enemy not you. Callahan deals piercing damage and it is a gun used for dodging enemies. All the enemy that dodge are weak to piercing (Gremlins excluded, but they are still not strong against piercing damage) so it is good to get Callahan anyways.
The gun with the highest range is the catalyser series. It has more range than the magnus, autogun series and antigua series by quite a bit. The pulsar also might have a similar range but I'm not 100% on that.
Ah yes, Catalyzer has a very long range, though I had never compared them to the Piercing guns.
I can confirm that Catalyzer and Pulsar bullets have the same range.
The longest Range has the Catalyzer, the 2nd longest is Argent Peacemaker shared with Sentenza and the 3rd is Blitz Needle. Everything else is more Midrange :P
However the best guns really are:
Blitz Needle
Argent Peacemaker*
*PvP only
Here are some range tests I did a while back on guns:
For whatever reason Sentenza/Blackhawk have much shorter range than AP. The needle line has pretty long range too.
This was prior to the release of the Catalyzers and Pulsars though.
Culture, I'm interested in more data like this! I could add Sentenza to your list, but my other three guns are already on it. Do you have any more data to share with us?
Nope, that's all my guns thus all my data :)
Feel free to test any other guns you have though, and take a screenshot. I was told that Sentenza & Blackhawk have the same range, but it would be great if you could confirm this as I haven't tested it myself.
The Polaris has similar range to the Argent Peacemaker, due to the expanded shots having quite a large blast radius. It also has more utility than the Catalyzer, and is perfectly suited for long range, anti-turret work. Pulsar -> Kilowatt Pulsar -> Gigawatt Pulsar -> Polaris
Then i would probably take the Polaris cause i already have a Pulsar. However i might also test a catalyzer. Just to be sure about that. The Problem is that i don't play a gunner cause that would have no use in my team (Ok a gunner would be finde but my team members prefer to use swords and thats all they can. Give em' a stick with a sharp end on one side and they are happy). I am good with swords too and so i follow this path but i hate to have no range at all. So i need something to kill this gun puppies cause sometimes there is no possibility to attack them with a sword. (This permanent spikes, you know?) I could use radiant sun shards if i was a bomber but without the bomber equipment the charge time is to long and then the gun-puppie-stun doesn't work as it should without better equipment.
So i need a weapon with range and far enough damage to kill gun turrets as far as possible. I hope the polaris will do...
The Polaris is excellent for vs. Gun Puppies. Expanded bullets interrupt their attack, and the Shock further supports this. You can effectively stunlock Gun Puppy-type mobs by constantly shooting a Pulsar.
Thanks, great work here. I'll try it.
Biohazard is 10 squares. Sorry no screenie. But I used the same counting system as Culture
Confirmed that Biohazard has a ultra long range! Also they seem to have fixed Sentenza, when i look at that picture i think its longer than AP, while Silversix is longer than Blackhawk. Note that the whole Antigua line have a X-Y range, the bullets travel tifferent range, about 0.5-1 square differences
How exactly are these distances being measured? I just measured only about 8.2 on Argent Peacemaker. I'm counting the tiles on the floor, between me and the explosive block, not including the explosive block or the tile where I'm standing. I just want to be consistent.
Hail Driver doesn't even seem to consistently hit its 7-tile range. When I first got this gun, I had such high hopes. :(
I can kill people with 2 hits from my Callahan, just sayin' ;)
I think the Antigua line used to go further than 9 tiles. It definitely *looks* shorter now, but I don't know if the actual range was changed. I did a side-by-side comparison with my friend's Valiance (which it outranged before) and the bullets from that went further than my Sentenza.
If you want a gun favoring range, Callahan is overall the most useful than those above.
Knockback: Polaris (Good elemental damage and shock), Valiance (Don't knock it till you've tried it) and SuperNova (Polaris FTW)
Status: Polaris again, Biohazard and any status inflicting alchemer.
Damage: Polaris for the third time, Valiance, Callahan and Biohazard (Those explosions are painful, from what I've heard.)
Hope that helps,
Guns with the farthest ranges are the ones with Piercing-type bullets, namely the Antigua series, Magnus series, and the Needle Shot line.