Hi,i am selling those hats for grey owlite,leviathan blade and ce:
-Big country SOLD
-Stately steel toe 500 ce
-Big Steel jaws of summer fun SOLD
-Vintage Camera beard -SOLD
-Genuine Anger - SOLD
-Grenadier's Softcap 800 ce
-Safe n' Sound - 600 ce
-Genuine pip boy -700 ce
- Tam o' Shanter -600 ce
-Unusual Industrial Festivizer(Haunted Ghosts) - 30000 ce
Those hats are pretty good so i am hope for good offers :D
P.S:You must unbind your items before the trade and trade only via Steam
Add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/snox33/
P.S:Sry for my nick and etc.i am steam user and this site doesn't see it so ignore my avatar/name on forum cuz IGN i am Snox and in Steam i am Snox
So your buying?
I can sell you my Leviathan Blade ASI High for CE.
IGN Bigfootm