and if not what race are we and where do we come from?
Are the characters we play human
star beings from the planet nebulon, its in the manual in the box, page 3
Read the description... huh? I wonder if this means anything, or if it's just a Dev oversight.
I think that description is a result of too many late night runs for the Devs and sampling the edible materials as midnight snacks.
I don't think we're human. We have no toes.
Hm, I always thought we were robots thats why we need energy to sustain us.
Of course humans need energy too but I guess robots kind of emphasized it to me more.
>Hm, I always thought we were robots thats why we need energy to sustain us.
The energy is used to power the elevators.
We're a legion of evil doom-bots, stripmining a world of all its resources, killing civilians and overthrowing a benevolent king.
shhh you guys werent supposed to find that out until you reach the core!!
The game needs more backstory, and more of the "stranded on a lost planet feel".
In other words: I eagerly look forward to seeing the dev answer to this question. :)
Pyronic's answer was funny..but it makes me wonder.
We're probably Martians.
Marvin would look right at home among Spiral Knights, wouldn't he
Since the whole game except the tutorial is underground, there needs more story in the tutorial to establish a purpose for going down to the core. Right now I just know we are going down there because there is mysterious energy or something.
Well since you never see the Knights come out of their armour, but they're always changing it, maybe they're some kind of alien hermit crab. Or some similar kind of gelatinous blob that lives inside human shaped armour.
Like these guys.
cool ideas guys, would like to see what the admins have to say.
There are several possibilities:
Human-based on that nightshade item
Robot-based on the energy
Something else- you never see a mouth and they dont dance. what the heck
every ones saying the thing about the night shade, personally i think that is a development over site, as far as i know there is no explanation as to where we are from, except that we came from a large space ship.
did we build the elevators and why would we build elevators instead of a radio type system to contact home, this leads me to be leave we are the last of our race running from something or escaping a dieing world.
The nightshade item description is indeed an oversight.
so we are not human, this leads to even more interesting question, why do we not eat, does this mean we are robots, there is no food any where in the game that i know of.
also why are the strangers so happy for us to be around, and where do they spend the crowns we give them?
Nightshade making a reference to humans does not mean that the characters are humans, that's just silly. It just means that Nightshade is poisonous to a species these robots know of called humans.
I'm pretty sure the IRL Nightshade is poisonous to us. :U
"also why are the strangers so happy for us to be around, and where do they spend the crowns we give them?"
Well, considering the fact that they refer to them as 'shinies' and not by any currency, perhaps they are melted down for their exotic metals (although the monsters on the planet have plenty of coins, perhaps the monsters stole them when the skylark crashed...)? After all, they spend all day mining crystal energy they barely use (seriously, unless there are flat screen TVs and several large hadron colliders in those houses, I doubt they use THAT much energy). Metal currency was probably a nice change of pace. Like coin collecting, but you collect the same coins over and over.
Poor guys, though, they're going to be out of a job if we do anything to the core. No core = no crystal energy for the planet = no profit. And if the core isn't something we can use for the Skylark, but have to destroy I'll feel really bad.
Exactly, I just brought up the Nightshade thing because it was interesting. Also, Nick saying that the human reference is an oversight does not imply that we are not human. Maybe it's an oversight because we are human and they did not want it to slip out like that! Hah?! (I'm pretty sure we aren't human, though.)
I've always thought these little guys we play as looked like the Heartless from KH...
So I wasn't the only one that though we were Soldier Heartless?
Thank goodness...
now i want to craft a 5 star keyblade :(
yes we look very similar to the heartless, still like to know if we can live without armor, and if so what do we look like with out it.
I was under the impression we were those Yorkels from Final Fantasy.
yeah they look the same to, still cant wait till they release more story.
It's a mystery!