I've recently made a new character, whom is going to be mainly a gunslinger with a shadow theme (shadow armour, or anything that has the colours of black and purple, and maybe red/dark red) and i'm a very picky person, since I have the perfectionism trait.
I don't know what shield to choose since I don't think any of the shields are shadow or black/purple related.
It also helps if the shield isn't apart of another set. Or atleast looks like it's apart of another set.
It would also be good if the shield is a shield related to gunslingers.
Here is my wanted endgame gear if it helps on helping me choose a shield.
Shadowsun Slicker
Shadowsun Stetson
Umbra Driver
Graviton Vortex
Gran Faust (And maybe an Acheron)
Best curse resist trinket
Best gun damage trinket
Just for the record, i'm always going to be equipped with two guns, one bomb after the guns and one sword after the bomb. Don't ask. It's just my perfectionism.
I'm thinking of getting either Omega Shell or Barbarous Thorn Shield. I can't decide since:
Omega Shell
Purplish Colour
No relation to any armour sets
Not much black
Looks abit.. ugly..
Doesn't really fit into the 'shadow' theme.
Barbarous Thorn Shield
Black, and red
Evil looking
Even though it looks evil, it has no relation to 'shadow'
Kind of related to Vog Cub set
Related with weapons I don't plan to use i.e. Dark Briar Barrage, Barbarous Thorn Blade
Now, which shield will better fit my current set? It doesnt have to be those two shields i've mentioned, it can be any other shield. Those two shields are the shields i'm keeping an eye on though,
Thanks for reading my huge sentences of pickyness.
specifically the skelly set.. or have a look @ other sets