Hey guys i am new at crafting items thought i succeeded when i crafting level 1 item but when i tried to do so with lv2 i couldn't and the item i was going for is volt breaker set i had all materiel , cr and mist energies tank was full. So i want to know what i am missing or is just i need the other energies type the one i need to buy.thanks in advance
can u explain further plz i didn't really get it
the item you are trying to upgrade, make sure you do not have it on.put it in your arsenal by equipping a different item, then try. so if you are trying to upgrade a one star sword to a 2* sword, wield your proto sword then go to a crafting machine
what should i do to upgrade ya and i have the lower class of volt breaker on that is circuit breaker
It sounds like it needs a 1-star sword as a precursor. Sometimes, a previous weapon is used as part of the recipe in order to craft a higher-starred sword.
For example, if you have a Static Edge (1-star sword), and you have a Shocking Edge recipe (2-star sword), you collect all the materials you need and un-equip your Static Edge, then go to an alchemy machine and craft your Shocking Edge. Because you used the Static Edge as a precursor, Shocking Edge will replace that sword, thus your Static Edge has been "upgraded".
Energy is not your problem, as 2-star gear requires only 50 Energy (whether it be Mist or Crystal) and 400 Crowns to craft. Make sure you have the right amount of material, and make sure your precursor gear is unequipped (swap it with another set of gear of the same category). Hope I helped!
THANK YOU very much for your help and your time
I've only been playing this game for about 2 or 3 weeks, and it feels good to help someone out :D
make sure you don't have the 1* item equipped.