I suppose you came into here because you are tired of being too cool all the time. Well here at Management, we're used to that, and can help you through this process of recovery. We are currently a very small guild, but a friendly, well spoken, literate, guild, who at one point or another, was tired of being too cool all the time.
So contact me online if you are interested. My IGN is Psytog. I may run you through an instance to see how cool you are or something beforehand.
Put on shades?
well, you automatically dont qualify.
For those in this guild cant take theirs off. All shades all the time, 24/7
if we want to say "deal with it" we put shades on our shades
then shades on our dog
comments aside, we are still looking for members.
I guess that means every dog...
*puts on shades*
... Has his day.
putting on shades
I am so tired of being too cool. They warned me about the cool threshold, but I didn't listen. I put on that second pair of shades and rode my motorcycle into the sunset because who cares what everyone else thinks; I'm too cool for that.
Maybe this guild can help me cope with just how cool I've become.
My IGN: Jorda
You know, I've been told, "You're so cool, it's in your name!" and, while true, I'm a bit of a philanthropist. I feel that I'm not being very fair to the little people (the Uncool Ones, if you will) and feel that, if I were to somehow become less cool, perhaps that would make it a little easier on everyone else. Your offer sounds like just the thing I need to accomplish this altruistic goal of mine so I've taken time out of my day filled with saving babies and pets from burning buildings, helicopter dogfights, and finding clues as to the whereabouts of the lost city of Atlantis while in Spain, where I was coordinating an attack on arms dealers, so that I could post here, in this thread.
In case you haven't noticed already, my "shades" are all natural. I cannot take them off. Knowing this, will you still help me?
IGN: Raccool
Rock band the video game doesn't count... >.>
Anyway... I'd like to join...
*Looks over her purple Ozzy glasses*
Go ahead and add me when you can.
Puts on aviators*
Fashion > cool.
Aviators are so 2010.
Puts on Ray Bans, shakes head in disappointment.

1876's obviously too fashionable for your 2011 prevalent jeans and sweater.
I wear shades while i sleep. All day, all night. Close my eyes? Shades. Swimming? Shades. I'm bi-shading, bet you didn't see that one coming. Watching TV? Shades. School? Shades. Shades? Shades.
Anyway, i'd like to join :3
No I'm not tired of being too cool all the time.
*puts on shades and leaves*