I have a couple of Brandishes with decent UVs and I am trying to decide what path to take them down.
UV DMG vs Undead Med
I currently have the recipes to get to the 4* version of Voltedge, Combuster, & Acheron. I don't have any Glacius recipes yet, & I 'm not that interested in freeze because I am working on a Shivermist Buster (have recipes to 4*). Obviously the Undead would be dumb to make into an Acheron & I think it would be smarter to have CTR on a status effect brandish, so I think I can safely rule out the Acheron for either of these blades.
I was planing to build a Voltedge for FSC runs (maybe switch to DA later, maybe not). I like shock because it slows down enemies, interupts attacks, and does damage over time. I know the Combuster would be the best DOT, but endgame is fire. Glacius is the best for imobilizing, but I plan on bombing for that.
If I craft a Voltedge for FSC, would I be better off with DMG vs Undead Med or CTR Med? I use an Elite Sword Focus Module, so with that and full heat a CTR Med UV would bring me to CTR Max.
I am thinking the Undead UV goes to a Voltedge for FSC & I will save the CTR UV for either a Combuster (maybe we will get an Ice T3 boss...) or a Glacius.
CTR is preferred over a damage bonus. In the case of a brandish for FSC, I think that would actually still hold. More than any other place, charge attacks are spammed in FSC.
A medium damage bonus will give you ~14% boost in damage to all those zombies. That might not be enough to reduce the number of swings to kill them. Whereas your CTR will be useful every time you charge, allowing you to get a charge in quicker to take advantage of the situation. Any time someone drops an Electron Vortex or a Shivermist, or there is a cluster of zombies you'll want to charge up the sword quickly.
CTR Medium doesn't seem like a lot, but just in a hypothetical situation... if someone puts down an Electron Vortex you have about 4 s to take advantage of it. The charge time would usually be 3.5 s, but with CTR Medium it is now 3 s. A slight bit of breathing room to better position yourself for maximum results.