Greetings Knights!
The antigua lines are known for having a long range with their shots. Long time ago there was a bug, that Silversix and Blackhawk had a longer range than Argent Peacemaker and Sentenza. This bug has been fixed and Argent seems to shoot farer than Silversix. But then a new bug appeared. The Blackhawk and Sentenza's range has been decreased dramaticly. They had a rangel like a Pepperbox, pretty close ... Now, this is what i heared from other palyers and old "bug reports" here. Yesterday I upgraded my Blackhawk (mikro range ...) to Sentenza, due the effectivity in Lockdown as shadow gun. I was pretty pretty surprised. The range of the Sentenza is so far! At trainings hall I actually can hit the bots at the left side where you can test the pots, from the 2nd (!) pot. My Silversix can't o.o
So did anyone just wrote crap about Sentenza and its just Blackhawk with mikro range, or did they change the range of this sweet gun (Sentenza) o.O ??
There's another thread on this very topic, running right now: go here.