Needed: a "Toggle shield" command
We need a "Turn shield on" command. And I do not mean "Hold down the X key".
I want to be able to turn on my shields, and then activate chat.
Lacking that, I can't really chat while in combat. And then, I'm not really working with my teammates -- we're independents, interfering with each other.
Heck, I want to turn on shields and submit bug reports sometimes :-)
(and as good as the starter shields are: You can't attack, or prep an attack. Nice balance feature.)
Hardware issue: Some keyboard/system combinations actually have an annoying behavior: if you have more than one key pressed, and one is released, after a few seconds, all the keys a reported as released. I've seen this more often on Macs with PC-usb keyboards. But it means that you cannot hold down the shield key on those systems -- we really do need a "turn it on and leave it on" command.
I don't think your shield wanes over time as you keep it up, but only when it's getting hit.
I could be wrong though.
I've watched it regenerate while holding it up. Only getting hit damages it. I just meant it won't hold up if you're still getting hit.

I would like the Action button and Attack button to be different.
I'm sick of picking things up mid sword combo and getting whomped.
Especially those stupid totems...
Personally, I like them to be the same, especially since I'm using a gamepad. Allowing them to be different definitely wouldn't hurt, though.
Similarly, trying to revive someone in the middle of battle (or trying not to revive them) can be a frustrating experience.
Yes to both that and a toggle shield command. More control options = better.

This would work out I would like to be able to move with keyboard and shield on.
Also has anyone noticed when there is a high amount of monsters on screen you have to tap the mouse button slower or it will begin to charge.
Echo, I'm guessing the second point you raise could be related to your PC's performance; do you get a lot of lag when there are many monsters on screen?
Because I don't get any, and I've never run into the problem of having to tap any button slower.
I have lag with lots of monsters.
I also have to tap or I run all over.
I leave my shield on by default when I'm in combat, only lowering it to swing, or if I'm running to make distance to use my gun. (I'm back to sword instead of bombs)
Near as I can tell, the game doesn't actually catch the OS's timestamp of key down / key up, but rather the time when the java system became aware of it, which when the graphics are overloaded seems to be one or two frames later. And, since what matters is as much what the server thinks is happening, if the client could later get a corrected timestamp, it's too late to correct the server.
I have concluded that working in a party is superior even if I'm slow and bothering other players, just because of the lag problem (I'm not the only one fighting). And that's sad.
I think your computer may be at the bottom end of what can handle SK. I alway play on my desktop, where I have no problems, but on my laptop I do get some hitching problems when monsters appear. Quite frankly, it's amazing that my 6+ year-old laptop can even run the game that well. Most things (even Firefox sometimes) just choke it.
This wouldn't be a bad idea, but I'm not too sure about the reasons you give. Generally, your shield isn't going to hold up long enough to chat, and bug reports (I'm sure you've got tons of 'em) can always wait until the fight has ended.