I bought a Bandish with 2 UV's for a very good price, what is better? Fireburst Brandish, Nightblade or Iceburst Brandish? im going for 5* but I need to know what is currently better in 3* and 4*, the UV's are -damage bonus vs. Slimes: low and damage bonus vs. gremlins:medium, I also have Boltbrand, Faust, Silversix and Toxic Atomizer as my main weapons and I dont have any problem getting the materials needed to craft any of the Brandish line.
Tue, 09/20/2011 - 03:47
Legacy Username
Tue, 09/20/2011 - 05:36
Legacy Username
Slimes and gremlins both take
Slimes and gremlins both take extra shadow (elemental = neutral slimes and weak gremlins), so I would turn this into a Nightblade. A combuster/glacius would be counterproductive - you'd still want to switch out for a more appropriate weapon against those enemies.
Tue, 09/20/2011 - 06:23
definitely Nightblade, or just re-sell
I used to use GF heavily. Now I (sadly) use Acheron much more, because it's better against gremlins, which are the hardest of the shadow-vulnerable monsters. So consider crafting an Acheron, even though you have GF.
Alternatively, sell that Brandish with its UVs (for more than you bought it). It should be worth a lot of money.
Tue, 09/20/2011 - 14:43
even if it overlaps make it a
even if it overlaps make it a nightblade, otherwise the uvs lose all their value
Given the UVs, the Nightblade is probably the best choice. The real problem is that your choices don't compliment your current inventory, but rather overlap it.
If you make a Nightblade, you also have the Faust for shadow damage. Fireburst and Iceburst do split elemental, as your Boltbrand, so it boils down to what you'll stop using in the end. I'd go for the Nightblade, because having 2 main swords of the same line adds consistecy so you'll only have to adapt to the beast you're facing, not also to the sword tactics.
I do have a Combuster and an Acheron as my main weapons and loving them.