Some weird lags/glitches i have been experiencing:
-Cant hit the enemy with my sword, (understandibly cause he evades), but im not that far away.
The enemy on the other hand hits me while miles away, longer distance that am while missing.
Happened a few times today and i find it stupid if anything.
-Also the game logs me out while joining a random game, then while going back to Haven, it logs me out again.
I dont understand why heavy swords dominate spin charges, every single time.
My spin with the levi has gone off long time before the sealed sword guy strikes.
But the heavy swords always negates the spin, which means if the spin isnt the only thing striking, it wont work.
Which is pretty bad, something that should be fixed.
Also seen shivermists gone off, already planted them but they dont go off, which is a weird glitch too. (seen that a couple of times).
yes i experienced the same a so many times when someone is not even near me and kills like with one shot, but i can't hit him the other time...