So.... What are guilds for, really?

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Legacy Username

I was perusing this forum, thinking that it would be a good idea to join me into some guild or another. I was thinking "That's what all the cool kids do, right? Like, join guilds. And stuff. Yeah. Guilds."
Then I though, "wait... Why?"

I don't mean to be deprecating, but I'm really not sure what being part of a guild would do for me (aside from a cool tag under my name), so I'd like to hear what there is to be said on the mater. What do you guys 'n gals do in your guild? Are there Guild meeting times? Do you go on Gild strike? Troll each other in the Bazaar?

Negimasonic's picture
Every guild is different. I

Every guild is different. I can't even tell you what all that the one I am in does because I play at unusual times (through the week and in mornings/early afternoon) so not many can be on when I'm on.

However, I joined cuz I got an invite and this game isn't as "angry" about guilds as some other games I've played so I didn't bother with "researching the "best" guild or anything like that. Still, they're nice enough people the ones I've seen and as far as I'm concerned, they're the best I know :-)

However, I did discover some uses out of joining this, one thing is, its an extended friends list. That means I can always see what certain members are doing. You know the risk you have when you randomly join a party? Might end up on a stupid level? Or with an AFK teammate? Well with this, I can tell who is where, their party size, exactly what level and gate they are on, so if they have a spot, I can join in easily. If I were a stronger member, I'd be able to make more use of the fact that a lot of them go on regular jelly king runs for fun and profit.

It's also useful for more casual trading, someone is usually going to ask about something. I don't have to hang around in Haven all day. I can be in a dungeon and see that someone needs say a monster bone, well if I'm free, I can leave or send it to them in a mail fairly easily without having to interrupt my activities. That's money (I do tend to sell for less but that's not a big deal) that I get without having to stand around all day. Oh and there's another thing, recipe hunting is easier. Why? Because you can ask someone if you know they are at a terminal what recipes are on sale and they can purchase it for you, once again without having to stand in haven all day, and you can do the same for them.

And there's other things but this post is long enough already so let's say "friendship, business, and battling"

Legacy Username

NegimaSonic has a point. Im an officer in my guild becuase i teamed up with our guild master a lot, but thats not the point. Guilds allow you to find friends for any occasion, allow you to trade with them (my guildmaster buddy made me 2 star gear and gave me energy for runs), hopefully for no crowns, and find allies to go kick but in the clockworks. Now if they could just make the guild halls better..........

Legacy Username
Yeah guilds are are nice for

Yeah guilds are are nice for finding someone else to party with. I actually feel a little bad because I had to ditch my guild last night after agreeing to go on a guild run through the mid tiers because of work today, but that's one of the possibilities. It also makes it easier to find people who can craft stuff for you, and more often than not they're happier to go without some compensations or accept other things (like not requiring a couple materials, or not needing to pay energy for low star items, or accepting an extra iron gear or something instead of crowns or energy).

And then you get a nifty guild hall to hide in.

Another thing to consider, as a guild you could conspire to flood new gates with certain colours of minerals. As an individual you're going to be hard pressed to get more than your friends to agree to that.

Merethif's picture
Guild support

My guild members usually tell when they are at terminal and what Basil has in stock so every other guild member can check if there's something he's looking for. If there is, one can send crowns to a member at terminal and get a desired recipe. It make recipe hunting much easier.

Also if I need some additional crowns "here and now" during terminal shopping I may always try to ask for some on guild chat. Recently I've borrowed this way 4k for Sunset Dusker recipe. I had also lent 4k once.

Of course crafting is a way more easier with a guild - you can exchange materials or craft items for each other. Dungeoneering is easier too as NegimaSonic noticed in his post above.

Legacy Username
Thanks for the reply all.

Thanks for the reply all. Those were about the answers I was hoping to hear as I've just stocked up on 2* gear and I'm finding it harder and harder to find a crew to run the lower levels with.

Time for me to get myself into one of them guild things. Aw yeah. Guilds. XD

Negimasonic's picture
Inserts Team Dai Gurren plug

Inserts Team Dai Gurren plug here

Just kidding. Join up with whoever you like, I'm sure (almost) all guilds are great since they should all offer all of the things the above posts were talking about, just different people that do them. And if you leave one for another, make sure to grab some friends that you did make so you can still basically do all the things you did while you were in a guild. I don't think there's a big need to put a lot of thought into it for now.

Legacy Username
The drill that will pierce.... Something!!!

So if I make a character named Old Coco, do I automagically get a spot in Team Dai Gurren? Or do I need to lure you to a bathhouse veiled by fog?
Also, haven't you guys already hit the guild cap?

Negimasonic's picture
lol. I'm no boss. I'm no one

lol. I'm no boss. I'm no one important (or I'm not trying to be lol). They hit the limit before the over 100 glitch was fixed, but even when I was last on, Friday, I saw people being kicked, so spots are potentially freed up all the time (hope it isn't me, but if it is, I'll live lol). And I'm pretty sure "NegimaSonic" has nothing to do with Gurren Lagaan. I'm only mildly familiar with the manga. No experience with the anime at all.

Legacy Username
I am the guildleader for

I am the guildleader for League of Shadows. Originally just for my friend and I, some people liked the name so I invited them, and more people wanted to join, and thus I decided to just start allowing anyone to join, new or veteran. My guild, like most, are just a group of people who like to do runs together. I spend a lot of time helping new players get better gear, and help them with the Clockworks. My guild has real no "goal" except to make friends and overall be helpful and have a good time. Just one big laid back casual guild.

Legacy Username

can i join this guild?

Legacy Username
Don't guilds also get access

Don't guilds also get access to some kind of exclusive vendor that sells things you can't find anywhere else? That alone seems like a reason for anyone to want to get in a guild, even if they just create their own and invite people who would be on their friends' list anyways. That's what I plan to do, as soon as I think up a really awesome name. 8)

Negimasonic's picture
I hear that used to be true

I hear that used to be true at one point in beta, but as far as I know, it is no longer true.

Legacy Username
Knightmare Order

Join the Knightmare Order. We need recruits. Mail Talonzero, our guild leader

Legacy Username
what guild

hey J_A_S what guild did you join