Anyone else getting owned in the new gate?
It maybe a combo of gear, however. I haven't gone through the venom arena, so I've been decked out in fire gear when I get to the castle.
Speaking of...
twice I've gone through the Flame Lash arena in fire gear (Vog/Volcanic) and twice I've gotten owned. I should have been able to shrug off a lot of the flame damage, but it all seemed to go right on through. The guy in full Vog I was running with felt the same way. as a 2man, that arena should have gone quick, but we both ended up having to rev.
I either need to join at the castle or go through the other gate. Maybe I'm just letting a working over affect my later levels.
Got through that Flame Lash Arena about an hour ago, but then had to go up because something came up IRL.
We were a party of 4, none with fire resistive armor or shield. We all died a couple of times in the first 2 arenas, but surprisingly got through the 3rd without (me at least) dying, and I didn't notice any energy rev on the others.
So, it's doable. But you have to have 5* weapons to kill the beasts quickly.