See image.
What the hell is this?
It looks slightly different from the tortodrone. It glows red instead of green and it's mouth is grinning and open.
In-game :
When a tortodrone gets hit it turns red and brown.
That's only his passive state. When attacked, he enters the that red rage aggressive state, grinning and all.
I find it sort of silly we get an avatar for Tortodrone, but none at all for any of the boss mobs! (except for gentleman Snarbolax.)
Since I never fought one In-game I was mistaken. @Shoebox no need to be frantic. I'm not arguing: you can clearly see I started off stating "It looks slightly different from the Tortodrone", not "Shoebox you're wrong I'm right and this is why".
Ooh, nice. Hopefully we'll see one in the future then? :D
weren't they removed from their old stomping grounds?
Yeah,I personally think they should come back.they shud buff him up and make him a tier 1 boss.
Hoopla HooplaHooplaHooplaHooplaHooplaHooplaHooplaHooplaHooplaHoopla
Praise be the, Turtle ^_^
Nah, it's not foreshadowing. They took this guy out of the game ages ago.
Would be nice to see him again, though!
secret release? or...
it's a conspiracy!