Lockdown Testing Feedback

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Hazel-Rah's picture

[I apologize in advance for this feedback being so disjointed]

I'm not exactly an avid player of the PVP games that have been added via the Coliseum, but for the most part the additions to Lockdown are welcome additions.

-The graphical representation of your Class Mod's remaining strength is quite handy
-The arrow markers pointing to the capture points really should have been there from the beginning; this allows new players to not get quite as flustered when trying to earn their team some points. I think that they might be a tad too big, though, and the icons underneath the Progress, Loadout and Arsenal buttons are really unnecessary

However, I think the kill cam is a bit silly. Perhaps it's just me, but I'm not all that interested in following my killer around for 8 or so seconds before spending the last few looking at the respawn room before I...well, respawn. I think that, maybe in addition to the kill cam, you should be able to click and cycle through viewing how your teammates are doing, or maybe get to watch zoomed-out areas of the map while you wait.

Another thing that bothers me a bit is how using a Class Mod is forced. As a full Gunner, none of the three Class Mods really provide anything special, and I'd rather use my normal shield and be able to defend myself for a bit longer.

And on the subject of Class Mods, Striker is far too unbalanced. I can sprint from the respawn room to the center of the Furnace map before I run out of special energy, and I feel like the Striker should really just be for flitting around your opponent in extremely short bursts and then scooting back just far enough to avoid their retaliation. If that's not what it's actually intended for, then I think that, when coming out of a Striker Dash, the user should have some sort of slow down/recoil period before they can start swinging their sword.

Swords and bombs heavily outweigh guns in Lockdown right now, with swords coming out above bombs. Perhaps for the Recon Class Mod, it could give a damage bonus to guns rather than an attack speed increase. There's also the possibility of adding a firearm-themed Class Mod to give those who primarily use guns a fighting chance; something like SureShooter [shots become semi-homing] or Double Buster [ability to dual-wield guns OR your gun clip sizes are all doubled]. I know those really belong in the suggestions forum, but they are technically part of my feedback.

I also remember there being one point in a game at the Furnace map where a fellow from the other team named Vlad was able to enter our respawn area/base thing, which I don't think was intentional.

So, to summarize:

-Class Mod energy bar and capture point markers are really fine as is
-Kill cam could use some refining, whether that means being able to watch teammates or watch parts of the map
-Forced use of Class Mod VS using your regular shield?
-Striker needs a bit of debuffing
-Gunners need some kind of buff to give them a chance
-Forcefields might need some bugfixing

Kreuz-Drache's picture
You like the arrows that

You like the arrows that point to where the control points are? I feel that they're kinda unnecessary, since the map does a pretty good job enough to tell you which direct to go to. Not to mention I disliked how it blocks a wee bit of the field.(Not too much, but still, I would prefer being able to see the whole field.) In my opinion at least.

I don't remember the whole spawn kill thing in Furnace, but I did see something like that in Rampart where the above user and other's in his team got through the force field and killing members on my side. Needless to say, it kinda was annoying lol.(Okay, I'm guilty of spawn killing in other games too, but my spawn killing is no where in/on the spawn area/locker, it's more right out side of their base when they come out.)