I'm planning to make a leviathan blade soon and I was wondering if I should transfer my unique variant from my ascended calibur (asi: low) or not.
Please reply! And thanks for the help.
I'm planning to make a leviathan blade soon and I was wondering if I should transfer my unique variant from my ascended calibur (asi: low) or not.
Please reply! And thanks for the help.
Up to you. Personally, if you've got the gumption/means to toy around with UV gambling, I still wouldn't. ASI low is leaps and bounds better than, say, damage vs. beast: low or something dumb like that. And if you do gamble/reset your UV, you have a larger chance to get something not as good, or nothing at all, depending on your choice.
I say keep it, others might think differently.
edit: like that guy up there
Well, i was thinking that since it's low then it wouldn't really matter if I ended up with nothing..
but if it's one of the best variants you can get, then i suppose i'll keep it.
If that was me i wouldn't transfer it. If I got a better UV upon crafting great. If not I might roll it a few times with Punch.
Asi low wouldnt do much different then no uv. But if is your first weapon ill keep it, if not then yeah i would try to get another one.
Doesn't Punch cost a lot?
And this would be my main weapon for now.
ASI low doesn't seem to make a big difference.. but i don't want to have no variants
Punch is 20k CR per try:
You seem risk-adverse, so might as well keep it since you'd prefer ASI Low to no UV at all.
On the other hand... it is a logical gamble to try a reroll since in the likely scenario that it disappeared you won't even be able to tell. Another side effect of it disappearing is that you'll have no second thoughts about using Punch down the road once you are rich and powerful. Also, the move to Leviathan is the last free chance at something better.
Hope this feedback helped, heh.
any dmg bonus is worth it on normal dmg weapon like calibur, ctr would be better, asi would be neutral
but id keep it, thers no reason not to collect multiple caliburs over time
Well, i wouldn't mind taking risks if i weren't so unlucky most of the time! Haha.
Both sides have a good point :\ I suppose if I re-rolled and got nothing i could always go to Punch, and if i did get something -- well i get something.
ASi is among the best ones you can get for Levi. I'd say keep it, it's worked very well for me.
What armor do you have? if combined with vog coat for example, that low may be usefull
Currently, I have full ash tail and a wise owl shield. (Which brings me to the long disputed question: vog or skolver? But that's another question for another time). Right now i'm thinking to go with vog since a damage bonus wouldn't seem to affect leviathan because it already looks maxed out. It may be a while before I can upgrade my armor though.
Also, I went looking around in the wiki and found that at level 10 leviathan has a ctr: med, plus there's only 3 variants and that's one of them. Since I don't care for damage vs (something) and I already have asi, a re-roll seems risky..
Edit: I decided to transfer my variant. And thank you everyone for all your help :)
"since a damage bonus wouldn't seem to affect leviathan because it already looks maxed out."
a dmg bonus always affects the weapon it applies to unless u already have a maxed dmg bonus for it(dmg UV, slash module trinket, snarby shield, sword dmg bonus armor, lockdown shield)
it doesnt matter what the dmg bar looks like, the dmg will still increase from dmg bonuses
Bet big or go home.. Just kidding.
Not much difference between ASI: low and no UV at all, IMO.
If you don't get another UV or a worse one, kudos to you; you can learn to kick butt without UVs, which makes you a better player.
If you do get a better UV, kudos to you; you've got an amazing weapon.
No point to reroll, the current uv makes it easy to resell later and without losing (with no uv people dont want to pay the full price of the weapon), and if you want a better uv its better to not upgrade to leviathan (stop at 4*) and use those savings as part of the payment for a calibur with a better uv on it.
When you craft you only have 10% of an UV at all, so its not so useful to craft a weapon up to 5* hoping for an UV, specially if it isn't a token-only item that can be mass crafted by everyone else in the game, if you get it cool, if you dont that was expected. Then it is a good uv, second only to charge time reduction, your chance of improving the uv are lower than that of making it worse. Then its magnitude is low, that can only be improved, if you are hopeful, medium is obtainable after some rolls, but high and very high/max need quite a lot of rolls so I wouldn't count on them.
I would suggest you dont start new equipment unless you buy a medium good/okay uv on it, since medium uvs are affordable most of the time. When you get rich you can upgrade an item (one of those that aren't on sale much, like boss items) hoping for uvs during crafting, and then use punch to put at least a good or a high uv on it, resell if it's not the uv/magnitude you want, and keep trying.
ASI is good, but that is only a low. If you want to keep it thats fine.
If you want to have the chance to roll for something higher, thats also fine. However there is a chance you could get stuck with something worse or nothing at all.
Edit: Me personally, I would re-roll but thats just because Im always a high roller.