I epicfailed and bought a voltbrand recipe when I already learned the recipe already, so what the heck am I suppose to do with it since I cant sell it?
What the heck am I suppose to do with this

call a GM for a support request and say it was a mistake (since it clearly was). I've never tried this but as long as you're honest, it should work =T if not...

Well... sit tight and continue life. What else can you do? If you were able to successfully unlearn it and get a refund, everyone else would want to do the same, and if you really have no care for a boltbrand, you can't do much. Of course if you ever wanted one of the only shock swords, make a Voltedge and be happy.

You can always try to sell it. I recommend putting up a list of 4-star recipes you want and offering to trade your Boltbrand recipe for any one on your list. Is that an acceptable format for offers in the Bazaar here, or do offers there all have to be in terms of crowns or energy?

@Birgus... he learned the recipe. He does not have it; he cannot sell it.

In hip opening post he meant he bought the recipe when he has already learnt it. Therefore he can sell it.

@Acid-Snow - The original post sounds more like he bought a recipe he had already learned, so he would in fact still have the recipe...
I'd check AH and see whether it is selling there, or try asking around at random Havens, friends and Guild mates. It is surprising what will sell at AH if you are the cheapest Buy Price.
Might still lose money, but getting some back is still better than nothing.

My mistake. Do what weyr said, make use of the low Buy Price. I do that all the time.

Can't help it if someone posts at the same time as me, didn't see Xigerl's reply till after I posted.

I misread the "0" in "3:50" as an "8", so I'd thought that you posted 12 minutes after Xigerl did. Now of course that wouldn't make sense, since I posted before 3:58, but since when do you think straight and make logical conclusions at 4 am?

Lol, now it's my turn to /derp. Thanks, Acid-Snow, I totally brainfarted. I just noticed that the shocking Brandish upgrades are all bought with tokens, which I did not know until now.
I know some bind-on-acquire items can be unbound and traded, while others cannot be unbound at all and must be sold at a crazy low price to an NPC in order to get rid of them. Which is the case for Krogmo recipes? I guess a support ticket is the only option if the latter is the case, but if the former you might be able to find some one really rich who has no interest in PvP yet wants a Voltedge really bad. :(

The recipes cannot be unbound. You're stuck with it forever and ever and ever.

I'd try what Negimasonic said.
don't know if they will refund you the tokens, but I think they will at least give you another Krogmo recipe of that level in exchange.

Last this happened to me i learned Triglav and bought a duplicate. You literally can not do anything with the second recipe.

Time to make that 1cr from selling it to a vendor!
OMG... I ... I don't know?