Okay, so I was trying to do a T2 run just now... I was hoping to be able to do the Roarmulus twins so I could get enough tokens for them science guns (what else can you call them?) since I was just one token short of the price.
Anyway, BEFORE I could get into the Ironclaw Munitions factory, I had to do an Arena.
Keep this in mind... I had come down expecting Constructs and a few Gremlins, the only other enemies I was really expecting were the Quicksilvers. 2/3 of those dudes do Elemental damage. I had thus equipped myself with whatever I had in this regard- Owlite Shield, Bomber Set, Nightblade, Shockburst Brandish (You can pick me apart on my choice of equipment later... let me get to the point... and the Nightblade is because I wanted to waste Menders and Quicksilvers FAST). No, I do not have any other weapon slots. I don't HAVE that kind of CE.
The Arena was Venom Fang: Robo Rampage.
Well... Not much problem with the Polyps since I had them covered, but the Alpha Wolvers, with their 3x unstoppable lunge-and-bite PIERCE DAMAGE combo... 6____9
I don't know whether or not this is intentional or a glitch.
It must be those since the only other explanations are
1. Wolvers are cyborgs in spite of the game calling them Beasts
2. OOO failed Kindergarten (or they still are in Kindergarten. Those science guns sound like something a 5-year old boy might have come up with sans "destroys all girls and homework")
3. OOO doesn't give a flying road apple about this (and this is CLEARLY not true)
ITT: Post if your Clockworks Runs have ever been messed up by an enemy you kinda weren't expecting.
Monsters are mixed in any level, apparently by design. Were there any healers in that arena? A mender (gremlin) or silkwing (fiend)? I bet there were. So why aren't you complaining about them? You're complaining about the wolvers because they're difficult. The solution is to carry a piercing weapon (or to get more skill).
Also, a weapon slot upgrade might not be as costly as you think. If you farm the Royal Jelly Palace (especially using well-placed friends), then you can earn 250 CE in two days. And often you can buy the upgrades for less than 250 CE, from people who've spent money. Consider it. :)