Okay, so we all know that materials drop often and Equippable tems dropped are rare. So whats the best equippable drop you got? Mine was a Firotech Alchemer today from a treasure box in the FSC and owlite sheild from treasure vault! OH BTW before the random depth choice, if you say "Cmon Treasure Vauly" then go on the elevator you will go to Treasure Vault, only works if the next depth is random.
Prize: 10k crowns
What to do: Draw your spiral knight
HOW TO ENTER: post link here
Judged by me so ill choose the best one. good luck!
Whats the best character equippable drop you got?! AND COMPETITION

I have only gotten wolver coat in dark city... But the rarest is Darkfang shield.

Probably a wyvern scale mail. It certainly sold for the most as it was before the unbind update. I've had good luck with drops, though, I think I'm up to seven and only one was totally useless.
Wyvern scale mail, brandish, emberbreak helm, prismatech alchemer, ionized salt bomb, fiery atomizer, spiral demo helm.

A brandish, gave it away to a nooby.

Nothing, ever.
I must be doing something wrong :[

Jelly helm and mail.
I heard of someone finding an Avenger once.

I've picked up a demo suit before. I also saw a vile striker drop in a game but unfortunately I did not get it. :(

Brute Jelly Shield. I still use it to this day.

I've only found a Brandish and Wolver Cap.
5 times I've seen a Love Puppy....

never found anything and i got 7 days of play time D:

Brute Jelly armor (the 4* one or w/e)
not bad and didn't even notice it till a guildie told me lol.
I got a wolver coat and a owlite shield before.

Scary Skelly Shield in Treasure Vault was my best, but I also got Circuit Breaker Armor in the boxes after the Twins fight, and I forgot where, but I got an Emberbreak Helm.

Five times items have dropped.
Wolver Cap
Dusker Coat
Ash-tail Coat
Deadly Virulisk Suit - Blight Boulevard Depth 26, Sold it to a friend for recipe cost.
Most of the wolver items dropped from Jigsaw Valley levels in treasure boxes.

All you people are so damned LUCKY! I'm going to go sulk in a corner. Leave me alone.

i never got anything from a treasure box, though ive seen 2 things drop before

Frostbreak Helm
Magic Hood
Crystal Bomb
Freezing Vaporizer MkII
Rock Salt Bomb x2
Blazebreak Helm
Thats from 22 days of ingame time.

Brute Jelly Shield. I've found 2 other things, neither worth mentioning, though the shield got me 60+K on AH.

I got a surge breaker shield after a T2 arena. Tried unsucessfully to sell it in AH, so it is still in my inventory, still unbinded.

The only drop I've ever gotten in the game that was an equippable item was an Autogun.

"OH BTW before the random depth choice, if you say "Cmon Treasure Vauly" then go on the elevator you will go to Treasure Vault, only works if the next depth is random."
Sorry, no. That's not how random works. You're probably thinking this because of past coincidence - I'd more than likely ascribe it to either confirmation bias or a variation on the gambler's fallacy - rest assured, that's not how randomness works.

The only drop I've ever gotten was a prisma driver, which was neat, but my mainstay gun is a Firo Driver. That kind of makes having a Prisma Driver a bit superfluous. In the end I sold it so I would have enough crowns to craft my 5* helm.

Only ever gotten 2* items. First the poison bomb, then right at the bottom of t3 the 2* prismatech alchemer :( when i saw it laying on the floor i thought for sure i'd gotten at least the 4*. Think ive also had an autogun
ah well!

Cold Iron Carver from a treasure chest in a treasure vault. Sold that beauty for a lot of crowns.

Vile Striker that I used as my main weapon through my T2 building,
also a tri-heart pendant.

Best Drops I've ever gotten have been:
1* Heart Pendant
Arc Razor
Jelly Shield

i am so sad.
i got a tempered calibur from an equipment drop.
so saddening

Autogun *2 from a T2 Treasure Vault

You guys have lucky drops! lets Change this though. A Competition. Prize: 10000crowns How to Enter: Draw your character, simple add link here and the best one wins!

Found a 4* Graviton Bomb on Depth 15, Treasure Vault
Sold it for 145k on ah (still regret selling it on the ah)
The funniest thing is, I never noticed it till some guy was shouting "Give it back" lol. Apparently he picked it up but SK randomly gave it to me. He was so persistent that he kept spamming the trade requests and refused to get on the elevator until I ignored him. Luckily it was a 1-3 chance due to the fact the guy before chickened out when he saw the question mark on the elevator. That remains to this date the only Item I got after failing to get 4 that I've found before & after.

I read this thread earlier, and since I had only been playing for a couple weeks I was completely unaware that items could drop. Now I always hope to get lucky ;)
Today, I got a Needle Shot (3* gun) from the treasure boxes at the very end of a early T2 arena. I'm going gunning, but I'll probably still sell it to recoup the crowns I spent on my Magnus earlier. Good times! :D

I've never seen one.
So, does it work like other items, where if one member of the party picks it up, it randomly gives it to one party member?

Dread Skelly Suit - Undead arena I think
Brute Jelly Shield - Slime arena
Sold all of them...
Regretted selling Skelly...

Wow, Ash, remember you were supposed to give me that Owlite, we were in the same team, i picked it up, u got it, u explained how SK is a bi*** and then sed 'I already have an owlite, you can have it,' then you went. And I never got the shield
Also I got a static edge from a box whoop, and sold it.

Here you go, a quick pencil sketch of my knight with my trusty Vile Striker and Wise Owlite Shield:
I could use the extra crowns.
Back on topic, the best thing I found was a Scary Skelly Shield I found in a Graveyard. I also found a Toxic Vaporizer in some poison-themed level and a Firebreak Armor from an arena

Can it be a pic someone drew for me?
Still my knight and all.

Only equipment drops I've seen:
Wolver Coat - Garden of Goo, did not get but person who did gave to me
Crystal Bomb - Grim Gallery, got
Was very happy about the Crystal Bomb because I was about to craft one for myself the next day. It was at Depth 19, though, so I was kinda disappointed it was only the 2*. It was behind an energy gate...best 3 CE I ever spent.

Here is my proof that you wanted Ash-Ice.

I've got over 15 days of game time, and my only equippable drops have been Jelly Mail and a Firebreak Helm. Though I did have a guildmate I was on a run with get a Graviton Vortex, directly after they were complaining about being poor.

Got a Vile Striker in an arena box once.

i found a jelly helm in a tresure vault D:
Wolver Coat in Blight Boulevard. Nothing really great.