Welcome to the Spiral Knights Best Enemy Competition! The link to the spreadsheet is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjOA6JoJC-h1dGxiZy11UEFxVmh...
Basically, it's a poll. However, since this terrific game has so many monsters, we shall do this tournament style! Please note that each monster's name has a link to it, incase you didn't know what that enemy was.
Round 1, Match 1A
Alpha Ash Tail
Round 1, Match 1B
Firebrander Overtimer
Jelly Cube
Remember that you get 1 vote per Match. And to make things easier, please copy/paste the table throughout the match and change it to add your vote.
Alpha Ash Tail - 0
Trojan - 0
Yesman - 0
Redward - 0
Electreant - 0
Phantom - 0
Firebrander Overtimer - 0
Jelly Cube - 0
Phantom... LOL