We found new Heater shield, 5*, here are the pics you may need:
-Equipped: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/images/d/dc/Spiral_2011-04-09_20-14-53.jpg
-Recipe: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/images/3/33/Spiral_2011-04-09_20-15-23.jpg
-Stats: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/images/e/ec/Spiral_2011-04-09_20-14-57.jpg
Update please D: And any GM or Dev, PLEASE make new art update for it!
You should really check to see if the images already exist and are updated before you upload things... the Heater Shield still looks the same.
Updated the recipe. As for the stats - there's some issue with re-uploading images, last time I checked.