I made the mistake of rolling on my sealed sword (which I usually sell) instead of rolling on armor
it ended up with uv low asi
now, should I continue with this and turn it into a divine avenger?
I already have a combuster with uv med damage construct (I enjoy wrecking constructs on one charge hit when soloing)
and I already have vh speed and vh damage on swords through my build
Aside from that, I have a polaris, voltaic tempest, and final flourish
should I craft a DA (effectively making it my main wep) or stick with my combuster (my current main wep)?
Aside from FSC, would the DA really be worth crafting? I really don't need two elemental/normal swords
ign: salazarr
*also need a price check on the sealed sword asi low
thx :D
Well your Combuster isn't going to be very useful in FSC I don't think, since it's all fire themed. The DA on the other hand is a really good sword for FSC. I'm not sure about the damage the Combuster would put out in FSC, but if you don't have any negative effects, and you'd rather keep it over the DA, then more power to you, someone should be able to clear that up for the both us.
All in all, I've had both, but haven't had the Combuster in FSC, but despite that, I'd still pick the DA over it.
Also, the price isn't going to be much more than vanilla SS's.