Might just be me
Something here is just not right...
Uh... True. I'll go true. But I'm gunna be honest with ya, I might have heard that one before.
Look at the depth and the enemies, then it might make more sense
o u mean the next tier monsters in a lower tier level? thats not abnormal, arenas frequently borrow enemies from higher tiers for this
I've had T3 spookats show up in T2 scarlet fortress. You can definitely tell the difference when you hear their death howl. I've also seen lower level mobs pop up from time to time, like non-spiked jelly cubes. As far as I can tell it's normal and expected.
Lower tier monsters can sometimes appear in the early parts of higher tiers. I've seen it happen plenty of times.
Depth 9 is Tier 2, not 1. You've all got it backwards.
But yeah, Tier 1 enemies appear on Depth 9 quite often.
vague post is vague
vague pics are vague too