I remember at the end of August one of the announcements said we'd be seeing more challenging content with great rewards. I assumed we'd be seeing this new challenge in September. Any updates on when we can (vaguely speaking) expect to see this?
Harder content, any updates?

Rommil, I had thought this was in reference to the new danger rooms which can be challenging at times, depending on strata and enemy type. Also, candlestick keep
For reference: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/23420

From nick's initial announcement of upcoming plans it seemed like separate items:
The hard content would be part of the "something special" toward the end and should include "unique rewards." I certainly felt rewarded in a unique way by the variety of the new danger rooms (especially the shocking fiend one... dude, seriously?) but I doubt that is what he had in mind. :)
Actually, it is the only thing on that list that hasn't been released yet.

The harder content is different from that. Sure hope it comes soon. :P

that i'm not the only one clamoring for this.
I cannot wait.
Well they made good on their promises of PVP. I suspect this high end content should be next. Maybe see it mid October or something, it's gotta come before November though. Just has to.