I know there have been posts of pics where lichen like to fight each other but I have actually seen one kill the other and lichen also try to kill polyps.
What's going on here?!
I know there have been posts of pics where lichen like to fight each other but I have actually seen one kill the other and lichen also try to kill polyps.
What's going on here?!
Ah it sounds like the Flamberge's charge attack, setting teammates on fire.
Other than that, I've never actually seen hostiles try to take each other out, but that would be very entertaining to see.
I like it when the Trojans do it, it's really cool to see.
There seems to be a lot of inconsistency as to how the enemies effect each other and how their environment effects them.
But when you look at it closer it seems to be a general rule that if the player is screwed over as a result then and only then will the environment/other enemies actually effect an enemy- The Lumber's ability to stun other enemies is an exception that proves the rule.
I saw two Lichen Colonies duke it out in a Lichenous Lair in T3 once. I just sat back while they worked each other over. I went in for the kill shots, however.
Also...until they patch it...it's used to wonderful effect on the second floor of Firestrom Citadel. There's a few rooms where a trojan spawns in the middle a bunch of assorted enemies. You can stand behind the forcegate and watch the Trojan, in his fury at you, destroy the other mobs with charge attacks. Takes a while...
There's a bug where lichens will try to merge even if they can't, usually the case with two Lichen Colonies.
As for the trojan thing, that's not a bug. Enemies will target you through forcegates, and trojans, like lumbers and blast cubes, can hurt other enemies.
EDIT: Sometimes this happens http://steamcommunity.com/id/Batabii/screenshot/559795186988374143
Seconded to what Tengu said, I saw 2 Lichen Colonies battling and I thought it was rather amusing. I just stood aside and let my Gigawatt Pulsar have its fun.
Just a note: Lumbers don't actually damage the enemy, they just stun them sometimes
"Just a note: Lumbers don't actually damage the enemy, they just stun them sometimes"
Indeed. It's possible to get an enemy to 1HP in the starter dungeon that leads from the Rescue Camp to Haven. If a Lumber then hits that enemy, it doesn't die.
Also interesting to note is that Lumbers are immune to all friendly-fire, environmental hazards (including explosive blocks), and Curse damage.
Hardly a bug, they just don't like to be messed with, is all.