• • Tier Zero • • A Tier 3 guild for mature, experienced, and clever players. Embarrasingly high active rate!
Alright, well I have full 4 star gear. If I can connect tonight I'll try some T3.
Anyways, can you or anyone else toss me an invite, or do I need to be online?

@Wolfe: Ah, I know how that goes. The worst part is when they all hit level 10 and then you need 800 CE to upgrade each of them!
@All: I still can't play SK as my Linux laptop can't run Steam and my Windows desktop has a broken hard drive. Anyways, I hope you're all doing well! ...Just don't have too much fun while I'm gone ;)
@Applicants: I'll see if I can get our officers to send you invites, since I cannot play right now. Sorry about the inconvenience.

New guild activity: Tours of the Jelly Palace for tourist cubes (now available with extra toast).
Album of screenshots (31 total, 30 of which has the gentlecube in it):
Some highlights:
He sat this one out.
Then he participated (and probably caused some health loss while we were avoiding slashing/shooting at him).
Survived being both set on fire and shocked during this bit; you wouldn't be able to tell from his handsome visage.
Annnd heading towards the lift.
Also, bump.

I seek awesomeness. To be honest, I have sort of been stalking your guild for awhile.
My current playtime says 27:11:34:18 and I have been playing since April 4th, I believe.
Loadout: I usually run in a Divine Veil/Skolver set with high UVs on both. Being prepared for anything is sort of my thing. CIV with Med CTR, DA with Med CTR, Shivermist Buster with Low CTR and a Callahan. Beyond that, I have gear for pretty much everything. Still working on gear for T3 lockdown, but I terrorize T2 with absolute glee.
I am a very good technical player. And I can spell words correctly most of the time. Sometimes I even use complete sentences. (Most of the time, actually.)
Green smoothies are my favorite food. More like a beverage, I guess. If I can drink a quart of vegetables and fruit, I am a happy person. Coconut milk is excellent.

Man, I always miss the cool stuff.
Also; Hi Kilbride! Processing your application may take upwards of n-to-infinite-x days to process, as we are down a guild master and only have 2 (3?) mods currently. I'm sure we'll get to it soon. I'm also sure we'll welcome you with uncomfortably open arms.
On another note, I've been mulling over (firstly ideas for the wiki page, damn I've been lazy with that; but also) ways to advertise the guild more. It might just be that time of the year when school takes over priority, but it seems like guild activity has been kinda stagnant lately. If anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
On another another note: Current guild members, I'm currently hunting down a Barbarous Thorn Shield recipe from Basil, that sultry devil, and thus am coming into contact with a fair-to-lot of high end recipes. If anyone needs a 4-5* recipe and has the money for it, let me know through in-game messages and we'll make it happen.
[Robespierre out.]

Despite Voltorb's best attempts, McBride is now in TZ. Join up and I'll make fun of your name (only if I like your or it's really easy, though).

The opening post of this thread could so do with an update. :V
Weedle should get his thorny, larvae-y tail-end back on a functional computer already. Meanwhile, I've been craving to make a recruitment poster sort of image for this, because we totally need recruitment to live up to that embarrassingly high activity rate we'd gotten a reputation for when the OP was last updated, and besides talking at people in PUGs this is about the only thing I can do.
What should be on it!? Discuss. :o

that it should be pretty and reflect our collective style.
Also I think we should hire T2 people again. We make plenty of PB&J sandwiches. But our strict coolness requirements should still be in effect.
Wait, you'll take t2 people?! HAPPY DAY!
So, I'm Ardok. I'm a gunner currently in full 3* with one piece of 4*. I am building my gear so I'll be FSC ready soon after I get to t3. I like the internets and sarcasm, and controlled derpery, and my favorite food... well, I don't have a *favorite*, but one thing I really like are bananas covered in peanut butter and honey. I've been playing for like, a month, and have 3 days logged in-game.
My gear:
Kilowatt Pulsar
Toxic Catalyzer
Gunslinger Hat
Sunset Duster
Horned Owlite Shield
I have to ask, though it doesn't particularly matter, but what are the usual specs for your PB&J sandwitches? Do you use white bread or whole wheat bread, or my favorite, potato bread. Mmmm. And is the peanut butter smooth or creamy? I prefer creamy, just because it has a better texture after you dunk the sandwich in milk (or better: dunk in chocolate milk!). ANd for jelly, what do you use? I hope it isn't just the stuff that oozes out of some jelly armor, because I don't actually think that counts. My goto jelly, personally, is strawberry, though the best jelly I've ever had is cactus fruit jelly. It is the yum. Again, I'm not particularly picky, but it would be nice to know what I should encounter, so I can better prepare other foodstuffs to complement the particular complexities of any particular variant of PB&J. I hope this isn't too much of a bother to answer for you; I could just wait. In fact, I'll just ask you to ignore that, because none of that information is truly useful without knowing the proper bread-to-peanut-butter-to-jelly ratio and/or availability of alternative condiments like marshmellow fluff and Nutella. So yeah.

but in all honesty, I have about one PD&J a year despite the amount of jelly I harvest from the king. I personally go whole wheat (my go to bread). Strawberry jelly is a bit sweet for me, I like me some tang. I default to berries of the black or rasp variety.
I'm an expert sandwich chef, though. Just ask Festering. I made him a sandwich last week for a mid-hike lunch. I was a bit embarrassed with the quality, but he seemed to thoroughly enjoy it anyway.

Hi Guys
My Name Is Manan.
IGN : Kabraneel
I want to join ur guild . I wanna be a part of a guild which is famous. And ur guild is the most famous as i know.
I am playing this game from about 4 - 5 months.
My star of gear si 5.
I have Gran Faust, Final Flourish , Combuster , Blitz needle , Cold Iron Vanquisher.
I live in asia and time zine is about 5:00.
I have soloed all the bosses . But Not Vanduke.
I am champion at all the bosses. Jelly king take almost 30 sec.
I can also solo fsc ( sometimes) and ofcourse tier1 and tier 2 .
My average damage at lockdown is 9k-10k.
Pls i wanna be a part of ur guild because i love to play lockdown guild and ur guild do guild lockdown very much.
Pls reply to my post and invte if u like me.

Finally got an idea of sorts. I need a bomber from the guild to volunteer its looks, though. Someone pester one for me.
Also hi, new peoples. .o/
I'm kinda a bit busy lately so i wont be able to be on spiral knights as often for a small time being. allot of work to do for college. i try to be back as soon as possible.

Weedle hasn't been on in a long time due to computer issues, but I just wanted to point out that we're still quite an active guild, with 8-10 people online for several hours a day, and rarely ever with fewer than 3-4. We have a lot of fun and we tend not to take anything too seriously. We also make a point to get to know all our members because we like havin' friends. We're sappy like that.
Although in my case that usually involves running around behind you in Haven while spinning in circles.
But yeah, if you're interested in joining, shoot an in-game mail to Kioso or Hanktron. I'd love to see more people join up.

Sorry for my absence. I did have to deal with a snapped thigh after a dirt bike accident, also I'm making my girlfriend a great present for Christmas. But hopefully I can get some runs done before Christmas.
hey guys. just saying i try to be back on spiral knights regularly somewhere on the coming days. sorry for having been absend. been really busy with homework and stuff.

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since the Summer Achievement, stuck with since it reminded me of LOZ.
What is your loadout?
I have:
Vog cub coat
Vog cub cap
Grey Owlite Sheild
Faust (soon to be Gran Faust)
Divine Avenger
Gigawatt Pulsar (Soon to be Polaris)
Mewkat hat
Fused Demo suit
(Yes it looks silly. Cool, but still silly.)
Dark Thorn Blade (Soon to be barbarous)
Sinister Skelly mask
Sinister Skelly armor
Scary Skelly sheild (probably going to be replaced with Crest of Almire)
Toxic Catalyzer
I also try and have all the weapon slots open as well as the trinkets. (got two heart pendants)
What is your favorite food? <-- Important
Oh man, I have to say Ribs and cheesy potato casserole. My mom has my grandma's recipe for a really good rib sauce.
Or wings. Wings are a good one, with mild/hot or honey barbeque.
Or Cheese Fries with bacon bits and some really good ranch sauce.
OR chicken parmesan. OR a really good steak. OR pizza.
DAMMIT, I've made myself hungry now.

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
hmm, its hard to remember, since summer last year (i think, don't quote me on this.)
and 618 hours of play time.
What is your loadout?
well usually:
(mah real stuff)
vog cub coat, with ~ shadow dfs max
vog cub cap with ~ normal dfs high
barbarous thorn shield ~ elemental dfs high
elite slash module
penta heart pendant
Gran faust ~ ctr high
glacius ~ dmg vs fiend high
DA ~ dmg vs fiend med
Argent peacemaker / barbarous thorn blade.
Costume items.
chapeau of the violet rose
snarbolax suit (i made this, and its defense was so awful i just ended up using it as a costume :3)
also depending on my mood i may use a deadly virulisk set as my costume :D
What is your favorite food? <-- Important
well i generally like to eat the souls of those i have slaughtered, but ill go for a delicious bacon sandvich any day as well :3
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
So long.... jkjk about 4-5 months
What is your loadout?
Generally Ash Tail set with avenger and silversix with dark thron shield
I have Dusker set, swift flourish CTR low, kilowatt pulsar (all for lockdown in T2), kamarin ASI low, freezing vaporizer MKII CTR low, horned owlite shield Fire resistance low, vile striker, tempered calibur CTR low, and some other bull craps
What is your favorite food?
Instant noodles an sashimi, almost nothing can beat MSG :P

Whelp, i'm gonna apply, i already sent Hank a in game mail thingy, but i might as well post it here. :3
I just got out of a run with Voltorb and Kalaina, and it was so fun! you people are most defiantly the kinda' crazy i am... well, probably not, (You dont need a straight jacket? O.o silly buzzard!) But still... >u<
I've been playing for maybe 2.5 months... I started the VERY last day of the Punkin King event... I saw him once. Once. T-T
My clothes... I have the Armor Of The Fallen, and a matching (?) Seraphic Helm.
My weapons... I'm messing around with a ASI med Kamarin, a Ctr med Boltbrand, and a grand flourish... But my favorites are my Iron Slug and my prized Sudaruska (A whopping 5.8k damage in one charge attack... no damage boosts! >:3)
Food? fooooood..... you mean that stuff i keep shoving in random orifices? Oh, ok, just my mouth....
CEREAL! i cant get enough! any and all will be consumed. At anytime! C:< but you cant forget the milk; NEVER forget the milk. if you forget the milk the whole thing is now useless, because now you have to pour the cereal on the ground, light it on fire, spray liquid nitrogen on it, place C4 around it and shoot a Space Lazer at it.... NEVER forget it!
Other: I' a solo MASTER, i can solo FSC easy... but when people come in and start say "i'ma firn mah laZer!!11!!127" While spamming pulsars and leviathans all over.... i seem to trip a lot more... -.- Also, claymores are amazing, and there need to be more in this game! I reference coconuts a lot... i eat EVERYTHING ... except silk-wings and exploding boxes, they give my tummy trouble... :C i have a tendancy to smash things with my Suda.... CATS. I'm a decent artist.... MORE CATS! >:3
Dots: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I like dots................
Great... i'm gonna go watch some anime and pass out! Night!
I don't know if you still have room in your guild for a newb like me, but I love the page and I love SK, so I'd like to join up! I've been playing for a few weeks now, i'm Tier 2. I prefer playing swordsman but I'm building up my gun collection so that may be a viable option in the future. I'm still getting the hang of Tier 2, but I've kicked Tier 1's @$$ up and down the block now.
Gear: I use the Wolver set most of the time, but I'm slowly building up to Dusker. I use a Brandish with 2 UVs and either the Autogun or the Spur (when I go full-on swordsman). I use the Defender and the Bristling Buckler. Within a few days I'll have the Twisted Snarble Barb. I'm F2P so I'm making progress slowly, but the progress is there!
Favorite food: The Brute Jelly Shield (it's berry flavored!) (I know the jokes overused by now, but Roasted Wolver is pretty nasty stuff.)
SO! That's pretty much all. I hope you have room in your heart (and guild) to let me in, I look forward to meeting you!
(I ALMOST FORGOT! THIS IS IMPORTANT! Nothayibacter isn't my standard account, so invite Rathayibacter instead. Unfortunately I can't get my Steam account to sync up with the forums, so Nothayibacter it is.)
Jesus, is the block of text over? Thank Tinkinzar.

*suddenlypromoted* Invites spammed out at people. :) And I should get back to that drawing, hurr durrp.
***********IGN is Reignfall**************
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
about 9 months
What is your loadout?
typical loadout is:
snarby helm-high pierce
skolver coat- low shadow
BTS- med shadow
Glacius-high undead
Gran faust
BTB-VH ctr,low slime,low fiend
shivermist-low ctr
fallen helm-low stun
fallen armor
snarby coat
divine veil
divine cloak
Grey Owlite Shield
What is your favorite food? chicken curry
Hi there! I read on the Spiral Knights' wiki page that this guild "is characterized by its mellow, educated, and older players".....just my type of guild! I love what you're all about and I'd really like to join so here's my application:
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Round about April last year, 172 hours played according to Steam (yeah I know I should have 5* by know but I enjoy taking it easy :P)
What is your loadout?
Miracle Cloak (Magic Cloak costume)
Miracle Hood (Magic Hood costume)
Vile Striker
Dark Thorn Shield
I have T3 clearance.
What is your favorite food?
Their mine, NACHOS!!!!
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 6 months
What is your loadout?
shiver, BTB, glacius, vog suit + BTS. Also have strike needle and blackhawk that I don't use. Also have 2x pentaheart trinkets.
What is your favorite food? <-- Steak lol.
IGN: Darthbrian

[ How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? ]
> a little bit past november so i say like 5 months ish?
[ What is your loadout? ]
> it varies to be honest. got about 3-4 loadouts depending on what im doing and what runs:
full azure and working on full snorblax since i`m really fond of the look of it and also have 4* jelly and quicksilver
got almost every single gun, weapon, and bomb so i just use whatever my mood is that day :P
[ What is your favorite food? ]
> gotta be fettucini alfredo, sushi & lemon pepper chicken wings from wingstop :]
IGN: AlvinJue

I've been playing spiral knights for 2 months so far.
My current loadiut would be:
Gunslinger helm/armor
Prismatec alchemer mk 11
Shadow driver. My only 4 star wept. Pretty depressing right. Ultimate ninjas cries pitifully.
Magnus/Antigua. Depending on my mood. :o
My favorite food would be hmmmmmmmm............ Fried Snipes!!!
Lol. But if I really had to pick I would pick BBQ chicken. Who doesn't love the aroma and awsomeness of BBQ. Doesn't matter where it was made, I would eat ANYthing barbaque-fied. LITTERLY. No really, I woulds ;D
I don't know if you would let me join cause I'm t2 but I promise to try my hardest and not make anyone cry or trolled. ;)
Also please tell me you have other gunslingers in your guild. Hoping to hang out with some other gunners and just have fun. Most of my other guilds has everyone as a swordie and 1 person as a gunner which was probably me. But if no, well it doesn't really matter. After all it is just a game. RIGHT??? Right? Right?!?!?!?! O_0

I've been playing spiral knights for 2 months so far.
My current loadiut would be:
Gunslinger helm/armor
Prismatec alchemer mk 11
Shadow driver. My only 4 star wept. Pretty depressing right. Ultimate ninjas cries pitifully.
Magnus/Antigua. Depending on my mood. :o
My favorite food would be hmmmmmmmm............ Fried Snipes!!!
Lol. But if I really had to pick I would pick BBQ chicken. Who doesn't love the aroma and awsomeness of BBQ. Doesn't matter where it was made, I would eat ANYthing barbaque-fied. LITTERLY. No really, I woulds ;D
I don't know if you would let me join cause I'm t2 but I promise to try my hardest and not make anyone cry or trolled. ;)
Also please tell me you have other gunslingers in your guild. Hoping to hang out with some other gunners and just have fun. Most of my other guilds has everyone as a swordie and 1 person as a gunner which was probably me. But if no, well it doesn't really matter. After all it is just a game. RIGHT??? Right? Right?!?!?!?! O_0

I've been playing spiral knights for 2 months so far.
My current loadiut would be:
Gunslinger helm/armor
Prismatec alchemer mk 11
Shadow driver. My only 4 star wept. Pretty depressing right. Ultimate ninjas cries pitifully.
Magnus/Antigua. Depending on my mood. :o
My favorite food would be hmmmmmmmm............ Fried Snipes!!!
Lol. But if I really had to pick I would pick BBQ chicken. Who doesn't love the aroma and awsomeness of BBQ. Doesn't matter where it was made, I would eat ANYthing barbaque-fied. LITTERLY. No really, I woulds ;D
I don't know if you would let me join cause I'm t2 but I promise to try my hardest and not make anyone cry or trolled. ;)
Also please tell me you have other gunslingers in your guild. Hoping to hang out with some other gunners and just have fun. Most of my other guilds has everyone as a swordie and 1 person as a gunner which was probably me. But if no, well it doesn't really matter. After all it is just a game. RIGHT??? Right? Right?!?!?!?! O_0

I've been playing spiral knights for 2 months so far.
My current loadiut would be:
Gunslinger helm/armor
Prismatec alchemer mk 11
Shadow driver. My only 4 star wept. Pretty depressing right. Ultimate ninjas cries pitifully.
Magnus/Antigua. Depending on my mood. :o
My favorite food would be hmmmmmmmm............ Fried Snipes!!!
Lol. But if I really had to pick I would pick BBQ chicken. Who doesn't love the aroma and awsomeness of BBQ. Doesn't matter where it was made, I would eat ANYthing barbaque-fied. LITTERLY. No really, I woulds ;D
I don't know if you would let me join cause I'm t2 but I promise to try my hardest and not make anyone cry or trolled. ;)
Also please tell me you have other gunslingers in your guild. Hoping to hang out with some other gunners and just have fun. Most of my other guilds has everyone as a swordie and 1 person as a gunner which was probably me. But if no, well it doesn't really matter. After all it is just a game. RIGHT??? Right? Right?!?!?!?! O_0

D:< Sorry about the triple post. Why!! Computer! Why!! Dx
Ultimate Ninjas stares blankly at the computer.
Okay here goes.
My in-game name is neuromonic (I don't know how to sync the Kongregate acct with a spiral-knights one.) I've only been playing the game for a few months, but I like the model. I like dungeoning; I definitely like the economy, and I am starting to like lockdown, but I feel that to take advantage of the T3 content you need to hook up with an active guild. I LOVE bombing, and doubt I will ever go melee or gun.
* Normal Loadout: Full Heavy Demo Armor. Master Blast Bomb, Fiery Atomizer and either Wise Owlite or the three star Jelly Shield for JK runs.
* Hit: I only ever bought the 3 dollar starting kit for the game that came with 1000 ce and an elevator pass, but I now have almost 9000 energy on the market in ce or crowns at any given time. (I'm an economics major. haha)
* Miss: I'd rather spend my 9000 ce on earning more ce or crowns then go up to full 5* gear at this point.
My favorite food is probably the animal-style burger from In-n-Out (with a side of animal-style fries and a medium coke). Or the Cheesy Gordita Crunch from taco bell. I have no idea how I'm not fat, lol.

Sig and Reign have been TZers for a while now; not sure what happened to DarthBrian. Invites outgoing. /o/
Side dish of individual comments:
Alvin, you gonna compete with my "get all of the things"? D: I only have about half the weapons so far.
Ninja, we totally has a pro gunner. You may like her. \o/
Neuro, I laughed at the economics major remark. Good going there!

So what are your opinions on tacos and lions eating them?

IGN- Vensaire
Been playing for about a month now, just starting to get into Vanaduke runs and such and have full 5* and whatnot. Got that convenient ele pass thing and that sped the games pace up quite a bit.
*Loadout is generally Vog Cub Coat/Divine Mantle/BTS/Grey Owlite Shield/Glacius/Acheron/DA (I prefer brandish line)/Polaris/Silversix (going to argent and whatnot)/Strike Needle (maybe Blitz, I hate being immobile) and eventually a shivermist. Along with a bunch of costume stuff because why not.
*Favorite food is most certainly pasta or pizza. Ramen is nummy too.
Hit: Meow Meow Meow
Miss: Winter is coming.
I think its pretty cool. I've been looking for a cool guild for tier 3 and beyond explorations. I've been playing spiral knights for awhile now, not sure how long. I have an ascended calibur, a gigawatt pulsar, a dark thorn shield, an ash tail coat and a dusker cap. I'm not tier 3 yet, but I only need to craft my ash tail cap, and once I have enough energy I'm heading directly for lord vanaduke. If you have an open slot, sign me up.
Megaman ZERO

Zero i've heard that name before somewhere.....................ugh i can't remember...

Up to date with invitations again. Still room for more. :P

Bumpity Bump.
Tier Zero is still accepting new members!
Rankerfire winks slyly.
~Noob Guildie.

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since June of last year, so 9 months.
What is your loadout?
Uh, this is complicated.
I practically always carry a Leviathan Blade. I often tote a Barbarous Thorn Blade. I have many other blades for fun and lulz including a Divine Avenger and a Gran Faust and a Furious Flamberge.
I practically always carry a Polaris. I often tote a Blitz Needle. I have a few other 5* guns I find pointless to ever equip.
Depending on strata I carry a Shivermist Buster or a Dark Briar Barrage. I have several other bombs, some even 5* that I generally never carry except for lulz.
For Armor I typically strut my stuff in Full Vog for the ASI but I slip into Full Skolver for the freezy piercing levels. I also have Divine Mantle and Grey Feather Mantle. The DM I'll take into Candlestick Keeps and the Grey Feather is my permanent costume because the women fall to the ground in heat at the sight of it.
For a helmet I match the above stated armor although I permanently sport a phantom mask to keep the women slavering. I have a dusty old azure guardian helmet that I keep on the shelf to look at.
Shields. I prefer my Max Shadow Barbarous Thorn Shield but defer to the Grey Owlite for elemental heavy strata. I also have a Dread Skelly for the Shadow stuff.
I equip a Sword Focus and a Quick Strike Module at all times unless I'm in LD. I run T2 LD primarily and am a former Lockdown Loon but they kicked me out for stealing all the women. I have a secret mix of elemental and piercing armor and am basically a copycat toothpick/sealed sword brat who does exceptionally better than most but never really understood why. I think most people are just bad at LD not that I am that great. I typically average 5K-10K damage and hold the highest capture/defend rate of both teams. I play guardian exclusively. Haters gonna hate and they gonna get cut down like little girls, too.
I strive for top notch UVs on my most carried gear because, honestly, there's not much else to do in SK these days. Punch is a very very rich gremlin.
What is your favorite food?
If I had to pick just one food to eat for the remainder of my days it would be sushi. i like practically all food even stuff that makes a lot people squeamish. I don't care for fried foods nor anything that is highly processed. I like sweets but limit my intake. I like oatmeal. I like pho. I like Greek and Indian foods. I like a big ole juicy burger, steak or porkchop. I like rabbit, fish and fowl. If God did not want me to eat animals he would not have made them out of meat.
What I want in a guild:
Some folks to run shadow lairs with. Some worthwhile running mates since I primarily solo and it gets lonely but most PUGs annoy the piss out of me. If T-0 is good enough for Tsubasa-No-Me it's good enough for me.
Hows it going? its me Mustaf from long ago. if anyone even remembers. Hope the guilds still doing good and i apologize for not having been active in like forever. Just wanted to see if its all still good here.
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? for a long time
What is your loadout? swords and guns
What is your favorite food? pizza

:o This thing is old. The officers have made a new guild recruitment thread in order to keep things in tip-top condition.
~ http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/47340 ~
Here you go.
i've been playing 2 years, i have a drake scale helm, chroma suit,nightblade,iceburst,and horned owlite. i'm making it better with my vanguard alternate. and my favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs. like, big ones. very big ones. i like them gigantic. meat is tasty. i want to join. can you gimme a way to join you? is the guild hall open? or must i mail an officer or something?
I only have a full 4* set, i made the mistake of leveling up all my stuff at the same time, now i have to get 5 items to heat lvl 10, hmm fun.