A wild recruitment post appears!
It's really quite difficult to think of an eye catching intro, but you're already in the thread and reading the post so just stay with me for a minute or five here. :D
Tier Zero: What We're All About
Tier Zero is aimed at having the most skilled, intelligent and active players in Spiral Knights. This doesn't mean you won't be welcome even if you're fresh out of the rescue camp, it just means we expect you to be able to learn and hopefully have loads of fun in the meantime.
The most common guild activities include:
• Killing Vanaduke. He owes us lunch money.
• Killing the Royal Jelly. Because it makes delightfully squishy noises whenever we do so.
• Killing … okay, we'll kill pretty much everything. Why not?
• Discussing market trends and money-making ventures.
• Herding lichens. 5-7 Giant Lichen Colonies in one room are a beautiful sight.
We'll happily do most other things too, though. We're not active in guild lockdown, but we do have some lockdown players and have had GvG matches happen on a few occasions. We also do shadow lairs when we feel like it.
Of course we also like to chat and engage in all sorts of hijinks. Examples of such antics include:
• Speed jelly runs while frantically flailing our weapons around.
• Listening to our resident walrus proclaim its love for boat.
• Lulzing around in tier 1 with ridiculous amounts of health.
• Using low star equipment in higher tiers. Because why not?
• Friendly Fire Firestorm Citadel runs.
Gaming is for entertainment, we just try to keep it as entertaining as possible! :)
About Those Guys With The Invite To Guild Button
http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z121/Mazzelh/TeamZero.png (This group picture totally needs to be redone, but I'm lazy.)
Guild Master
That one member with all of the things and a lichen. UVs are lovely and shiny and all, but gear variety is what truly ticks this knight. Usually found wielding two swords, a gun and a bomb, but would probably wield anything from a forklift to a pillowcase if given the option.
Officar team
A dashing gunner with a flair for FSC runs and humourous trolling, Cryo often ends up telling the rest of us about his antics with hilariously terrible PUGs. He seems to always keep his head as cool as his name, though.
Our resident walrus. Commonly referred to as Kal and has a strange affinity with boats and amazingly UV'd guns. She owns a Scrooge McDuck-esque amount of those shiny, flat things called boss tokens that she is hoarding for who knows what reason. It may involve world domination.
Trydeth might be our one sane man. Or hiding a madness greater than all the rest of us. His obsession with pants would indicate the latter.
Commonly referred to as "Pony" or "that horse guy", this whinnying fellow has been with TZ for over a year - or he would have, if he hadn't gone on a pilgrimage to other guilds. He returned to his fold eventually, though, and we rewarded him with many a carrot.
Volty aka Voltorb used to be a purebred gunner, then he quit SK. When he came back, he had digivolved into a hybrider despite OOO actually buffing guns in the meantime. Despite being busy with school, he seems to be one of our most active members.
Officar PC Box
These guys are currently inactive and you should not mail your application to them, but they're still pretty awesome.
Also known as the Rathface. Fond of things as adorable as bacteria and as horrifying as My Little Pony, this guy seems to spend most of his time flirting with Rogue's GM or thinking up sick MtG card combos.
We like to think the Kitteh known as Touchmyfrag is on our side of the forces of lulz, but rumour has it his mind is dominated by a most sinister mewkat. Questions about this have only lead to "what dark ritual?" repetitions, though.
The hipster queen, according to many. Mainstream weapons and armour? Not in this knight's arsenal. Be it Iron Slug, Volcanic Pepperbox, Sudaruska or other oddities, she uses them with great enthusiasm. Beware the Tsuda.
Guild Roster & Ranking System
If you would like to see our current guild roster or how we award ranks, please visit our wiki page.
It's up to date most of the time (or at least some of the time), but you can always join us if you want the very definitely up to date list. ;D And speaking of joining-
Applying For Tier Zero
TZ is accepting pretty much any player these days as long as they can account for being awesome as a person. We can be picky, though, as we'd like to be convinced prospective recruits will fit in. Make sure you put effort into that first impression!
To apply, fill out this short questionnaire and post it below. Alternatively you can send it to Incoherrant, Cryoworld, Kalaina, Rathayibacter, Touchmyfrag, Trydeth or Tsubasa-No-Me as an ingame mail.
1) Why did you start playing Spiral Knights and what keeps you playing?
2) If you could have any one of the monsters in SK as a playable character, what monster would you pick?
3) Choose one of the following: Phoenix, Sycamore, Ferrari, Balloon, Supernova, Motherboard, Puppy. Explain your choice.
4) What is your favourite aquatic mammal? <-- Way important.
5) 7x + 13 = 55. What is x, and where would you take it out to dinner?
Feel free to write about anything you want in addition to your answers to the questions. :)
Thanks for stopping by!
This is an updated recruitment thread since Weedle can no longer update the old one for us. If you're interested in seeing old shenanigans or looking at how other people filled out their application, take a look here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/26798
Hope to see new people soon. :)