I've started playing last week and after reading a few guides, I've decided to play as a gunslinger and got myself a firotech alchemer. The question is, should i get another alchemer or are the autoguns worth a shot? pardon the pun.
And im still wondering why my alchemer does exactly the same damage as my protogun even though the damage scale seemed much higher.
p/s: excluding the fire status inflicted that is.
You have an elemental gun, so your second gun should be either piercing or shadow. Both alchemer and autogun are viable, but with some conditions :
- if you go for another alchemer, take the shadowtech, so you have bonus damage against 4/6 types of enemies and normal against the rest.
- if you go for an autogun, go for the piercing one.
Both choice are viable, but as a beginner, i would advise you to stay away from autogun for a while, as they are hard to use.
If you have only 2 slots, i would advise to wait a little and invest in a Magnus (which unfortunately starts at 3*), which is a great piercing weapon to begin.
As for why alchemer and protogun do the same damage, i see 2 reasons : either you are going against mobs resistant to elemental, or you are still in T1 where higher star weapons do less damage.