Is there any point in having a UV that isn't ASI or CTR on a normal damage sword that has a max damage bonus from gear?
X Damage Bonus vs Y monters vs ASI/CTR
Wed, 09/28/2011 - 02:03
Wed, 09/28/2011 - 04:11
A trap!
Was expecting 5* nerds and hawt theorycrafting #-_-
Wed, 09/28/2011 - 05:43
Indeed, no point - the vs.
Indeed, no point - the vs. bonuses stack with the general damage bonuses so if you have, say, a divine veil (it gives a medium dmg bonus vs. fiends) and have a Barbarous Thorn Shield (it gives a general medium sword dmg bonus) and your Barbarous Thorn Blade had a medium dmg bonus vs. fiends you would get a total Maximum! dmg bonus vs. fiends on your BTB.
Wed, 09/28/2011 - 05:49
Yea if you already got max,
Yea if you already got max, the dmg bonus won't affect anything. Max is 6x low, 3x med, 2x high -> it won't go higher than max, so never get maximum dmg bonus, better invest in asi instead toget both on very high.