so from using my Gigawatt Pulsar, which i love alot and use it mainly in arenas and FSC i noticed that the bullets dont expand, but something else happens, as the bullet goes on, after a period of time when its supposed to "expand" instead it disappears, and an OTHER bigger bullet comes BEHIND it not in the same position the small bullet was when it disappeared. i wish i could record it in a video but idk how to do that, but for Pulsar line users u can check that out by urselves
Pulsar line Bullets DON'T actually expand
I'm using a gigawatt and have no problem. Visual glitch for you.
really? coz it happened on my Pulsar Kilwatt Pulsar and Gigawatt Pulsar, plus i tried it on 3 computers and its the same on all
i also tried shooting 1 bullet and walking it its direction , the small bullet is always infront of me, and when it "expands" it becomes behind me
tried running up down left and right, all same result
Nah you're right, when the shot 'expands' it vanishes and at the same moment the 'expanded shot' appears about half a square behind where the smaller shot was.
vencint, you are absolutely right. those people who says he's wrong, please observe carefully. the small bullet disappears and the big one appears almost simultaneously so it's not very easy to spot.
i may add, because of this mechanic of smaller shots disappearing and bigger shots appearing a bit behind, it's possible to miss your target during the small to big transition. that happened to me many times as i like to kite in that range...
the coding is probably like that to make the impression of an expanding bullet
if the bullet appears from behind it might be ther in order to prevent the front of the bullet to eventually cause collision errors by spawning into a monster or somthin
...And this is interesting because? Sorry I just don't see howthis would be needed to be discussed on the forums
This is a visual glitch on your part. I use Gigawatt Pulsar and it works fine.