Seriously. People may whine about combos all they want, but weapons were balanced around combos. Adding invincibility frames back into the PVP completely screwed up the balance... and all brought some bugs, like guardians being completely undamagable while blocking in a mist. Invincibility frames also punish teamplay. I understand frames were useful in preventing haze from chain applying their status... but how about instead you just nerf haze bombs and make them only apply their effect a set number of times? The only status that would significantly be nerfed by that in PVE is shivermist, and shivermist is already OP so that isn't a big loss.
Those are just my opinions though. I think I'm probably going to stop PVP'ing, and if the core isn't out within a month, I'll probably drop the game until the core is out.
bombs are already completely underpowered vs swords, so nerfing them would be kinda ridiculous.