I can play with same gear (excellent) and same skills (average) and get outscored 5 to 1 or outscore the other team 5 to 1. It's really just luck of the draw on team combinations. How I play as an individual rarely makes any difference to whether or not my team wins or loses. It makes the game feel pointless and frustrating. Is there any way to fix this?
Individual effort doesn't matter in Lockdown
It just means you can improve :)
Most of us in the top 100 are there because we play a lot - but also because we can carry most teams to a victory if we're with & against average players. Mashyu in particular (current #1) is like playing against 3-4 extra people in a team.
But really - winning doesn't matter much. You get your krogmo coin even if you lose. Keep fighting & helping your team. I'd consider you a winner & a great player if you're having fun. My favorite games are the ones against (and with) a team that keeps trying - not the ones that have a lopsided win.
As far as improving goes, do you watch your minimap? If you pay enough attention to it, you can always predict where people are fighting & where the next one'll be. Are you using the right equipment for your enemies? If everyone is using wolver gear and piercing swords, wear stuff with piercing protection & weapons that'll go through their armor. Being annoyed by a recon or bomber? Shoot them with a gun. Running to an enemy trying to grab a point? Sprint to the middle and hit them before they can react. Be annoyed by a striker? Sprint boost away, aim a gun, and shoot right behind you when they follow. Do it a few times, then switch back to your sword and catch them unaware -- or go guardian/recon. Try keeping an enemy team busy dashing & weaving through them while the rest of yours gathers all the points. etc
Your really correct, it doesn't a lot of the time. But the leaderbards are basically only who has played the most. That's why my guild (Impervious) is 4th. We play a lot, individually. Until we get a LD version that has set teams, and a real ladder or even a new style of match that's Arena-like (I am a huge fan of WoW arena, which is one of the reasons I quit playing. Though WoW is making some very positive changes here soon with 4.3)
Take 3 v 3 and just battle it out, last man's standings team wins. THAT would make for interesting team combos and make ALL gear useful. Krogmo can call it Gladiator Knights! There could be 2v2 and 5v5 teams also.
EDIT: The only way this could really be fixed in LD is if it tracked personal stats from kills, captures, and damage and THEN points. Take those and then the higher avg. each puts you higher up the ladder, dependent on how many of each of the categories you have done well in. Like, being the best in kills only will give you that, kills only, but Overall on the "LD Ladder" you have to have a higher score in each, and then avg. out your place on the ladder for each category, and that's where you would stand in the overall ladder, and have it be per game you play. 20 kills in one game might do me better than someone with 5000 kills in 20000 games, but have a minimum number of games before you can be on the ladder, like say, 50.
That would be a band-aid fix, as it would have minor flaws, but it would be better than "I have time so I'm at the top, even though I could have hardly done anything in all those matches I played." It's really luck and time; it should be skill and time, with time being less important.
idk how leaderboards are even connected to this topic
i personally have won by fooling around and lost by putting real effort into it and i blame the teams, too
what u can do about it? a free for all mode, what else..
That, my dear friend, is why I still play blast network. In lockdown, it's luck of the draw. With BN, it's actual skill you need.
Strangely enough, I barely played LD and I was rank 200-300 last week; on top of that I was using a STRIKER the entire time. Leader-boards =/= skill by a LONG SHOT.
I also agree that it's the luck of the draw : The team with the most sealed lines and flourish lines wins...
Yeah, it's frustrating, but what can be done? It's not like you can make your team members be good.
Can't you join as a team, or do not enough people play as groups to get a match going?
As in most games, PUG groups will have their share of bad players. If you can't deal with bad players on your team find a group of like-minded people and join as a group. When in random groups, play like it matters and give your team helpful, simple, suggestions and you might get them to work together.
quoteThe team with the most sealed lines and flourish lines wins.../quote
It's not like it doesn't take skill to hit people with them, and not die to other weapons. If you really think that, come down to T1 or T2 and say individual skill doesn't matter. It'll only cost you a few hundred CE to buy all the equipment you'll need. And I'd recommend an elemental brandish instead :)
Back on topic - here's a couple games I played this morning.
The first game was like 500-100 (they were winning) at one point. Then we made a couple quick comments, split up and played individual battles instead of trying to work as a team. We won, just barely (the map was blue a few moments earlier), through the individual effort of every single person we had. I'm dead protecting one of our spots just long enough to give us points & deny them some, as is some other guy. If one of their team had been slightly better, or one of us slightly worse, the game would've ended differently.
And here's the followup game:
Notice quite a bit of the teams switched around. That we had a leaver immediately. That our damage is worse than what they have listed. And yet we just about won! Why is that? Individual effort. Each person was looking at the map and going for control points, or fighting groups to try to keep the heavy hitters away from points/sending them back to the health pads. There was no communication - just everyone on our team trying their best in their own ways. Fun fun :)
Re: Leaderboards, I'd hate to imagine how much playtime it'd have taken people to get up there if they mostly lost by a landslide.
sry OP, there are going to be times where an individual possesses skills that transcend beyond this game and other games. If that amount of knowledge and skill ability is put up in bazaar, it is easily worth over 10+ million CE.
The fix is to match you with and against people with similar "pvp rating" like in every other game.
But since ranking is still broken and absolute, this can't be done.
While it is nearly impossible for one player to carry an entire team, I do think that one player can at least have some noticeable effect on the outcome. As an example, in a 4v4 game I had earlier today I managed to hold the enemy's closest point for ~2 minutes on my own, earning 5-6 kills against better-armed knights in the process (I have 4* stuff, they were Skolver/Vog + GF). Holding one point and distracting 3 players in the process allowed my teammates to get and hold the other two points, and we ended up roflstomping a better-on-paper team. The point is if one player can hold 1/3 of the field for a few minutes and remove part of their team from play, that will make a noticeable impact on the final score for that game.
One action by one player couldn't have won that game, but one player can do something to significantly help his/her teammates.
yea but those players are either having a bad time or simply arent very good, which once again requires a specified quality of teams, just on the opposing side in this case
Disregarding the fact that individual performance does matter in Lockdown, why shouldn't it be less important than team co-ordination? Considering Lockdown is a TEAM game it makes sense for teams that work well together to be rewarded more than indvidual effort.
Not sure what you mean by "outscore."
When the luck is really bad and it's pretty much you against a really good team, I just focus on playing well. I find how I feel about the game is mostly a function of how well I play personally, and winning and losing takes a second place. I know a lot of people focus on captures or damage, but I'm talking about more qualitative things like "I was able to stall the enemies' main group for a good while, allowing my team to take other captures easily," or "I was able to defend this one capture point all game, occupying several enemies, allowing the rest of my team to do their own thing." Frequently the "rest of the team" won't be able to pull through, but at least you know if you had a better team in a different game, you would most definitely be an asset.
I enjoy games the most when there is a lot of back and forth and the skill for all players are really high and even, this happens a lot in close games. If I play well in these games, even if I lose, I find the game was worth my time and effort.
Hopefully I have provided something for you to takeaway....