Leaving group should not force back to town
If I leave a group, then what I want is to continue playing in a dungeon instance that happens to have just me.
In other words, make a new copy of the current level, and move me into that new level, as a new party instance with just me.
> This can be abused. I join a dungeon with 3 other people, we get to the elevator at the end, and then all leave group. We then get a free ride through the level again
I'm not sure I understand.
My proposal: You join a dungeon with three. You get to the elevator. The level is clean. You leave group. You're now alone in an empty dungeon level.
What does this gain?
Are you still running Sparrow Gate by chance? My friend was playing last night and someone joined his group and then left upon reaching the elevator.
This ended up generating that bug you saw before where a player standing on an "all players" space leaves the game and it acts as though all players were on the space. It sent him to the next floor even though he wasn't at the elevator yet.
Anyway, duplicating the instance is probably more trouble than it's worth. I don't know how they have instancing coded, but I can't imagine this being a simple addition. It's not that it's a terrible idea. It's just that I don't know how often this would be used.

@ Behind Mes thinks if it make the copy then all the heat and monsters and crowns will reappear.
@ Mes Behind is saying(i think) that everything u already did would still be already did in your new instance.
I think this should be done when someone kicks you out the party especially I wanted to join people in a instance but I was taking long to load so they kicked me and 10 energy just went down the drain.
Yeah, I assumed the level would repopulate. If it didn't, it wouldn't be a problem.
This can be abused. I join a dungeon with 3 other people, we get to the elevator at the end, and then all leave group. We then get a free ride through the level again. Unless this new dungeon would cost 10 energy to create as if you moved onto a new floor, it can essentially double your energy effectiveness.