I suspect it has to do more with the depth than the level, but I have noticed that arenas give out more heat... I have started at tier 3 and gone through arenas only to have hardly any heat given, meanwhile I do the arena right before jelly king and it gives me almost half a bar on a 4 star item around level 3-4. So is it affected by depth, party size, doing levels past the terminal?? Please leave your insight here...
What levels should I run to get the most heat??
Fri, 09/30/2011 - 11:03
Fri, 09/30/2011 - 11:19
Arenas on even numbered
Arenas on even numbered stratums (past basil). Resurrecting dead party members, etc.
Fri, 09/30/2011 - 12:59
Boss stratums.
Specifically, Jelly King stages. Simple and profitable. 5kcr a run, a full heat gauge per stage.
Fri, 09/30/2011 - 13:21
ask others to give u heat at
ask others to give u heat at arenas thats a good way to get some extra heat
also if u can do FSC it gives good heat
Fri, 09/30/2011 - 13:25
Please... Don't do Ironclaw
Please... Don't do Ironclaw Munitions Factory for heat. It gives very, very little.
Fri, 09/30/2011 - 14:14
thanks for the info!!
Going to try and confirm some of these statements now.
I believe the amount of heat you get from least to greatest is this:
stratum1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6