To GMs/Devs testing Lockdown new features being implemented or developped, and small suggesiton (hiding a request): try bringing yourself, while testing, in the following situation: one striker facing alone a guardian, with equivalent equipments. I wouldn't like to be fingerpointing anything wrong, but a striker has to hit the guardian something like 4 times more hit than him to get rid of his shield+pretty higher than before HPs. That's a bit awkward. Not that I have serious issues killing guardians, but still far more than before that class re-unbalancing.
Not really open to player's opinion.
Striker VS Guardian (Lockdown)

did you really just say they should lower the defensive power of a tank class because you have slightly more trouble taking it down by yourself than before?

Lockdown is sort of like rock paper scissors.
Recon's best at killing Guardians & stealth.
Guardian's best at killing Strikers & defense.
Striker's best at killing Recons & Strikers.
But in the end, it all depends on the person playing them. It's nicely balanced IMO. Don't forget a striker's sprinting can help you dodge the guardian's attacks, and better position yourself to hit them when they drop their shield :) If they stay shielded, don't make a combo attack. The best guardians will wait for the striker to do that and hit them when they're vulnerable.
Or even better, get the rest of your team over there to help. It's not a 1v1 game. Or go guardian yourself.

I haven't said any modification should be made. I said it was fairly harder, which is quite uncalled for in my opinion. Which is why I suggest, if it hasn't been thoroughly done yet, to test a 1vs1 class fight between striker and guardian. From what I see since the latest update (I started Lockdown during preview tests), guardians are overused and rarely I saw strikers handle successfully a dual against a guardian. Strikers seem to require way more skills than the other 2 classes. Not even mentionning that still very annoying multi-hit issue when for example you have some T2 player lost in a T3 game, desperately hitting a guardian with his 3* weapon and covering up the hits of other players trying to kill that guy as well (referring if it isn't clear to the fact that, and it applies to everybody -then again especially to guardians- when multiple hits are aimed you at the same time, only one among them will actually deal you its respective damage).
And need to give me strategies..I know how to deal with those. Just don't like how they are currently made. HP bonus especially (+3 for strikers, +15 for guardians), I mean, they sort of made striker turn like real paper compared to the others. And strikers aren't immuned to hits in anyway, the speed-up ability quickly goes used up, and doesn't even guarantee a protection to damages anyway. Recon cloak at least can help getting away (and I'd say stay invisible for a certainly long while), and guardian shield can actually help tanking hits (ya that's no news to anyone)

Well if the HP difference bothers you that much, come play in T1 or T2. They don't get +15 & unlike in T3, they don't need a huge bonus to survive/defend points against strikers.

sounds like a weapon issue. and I'm not gonna even bother mentioning which weapon.
Welcome to the general discussion, not the suggestions section.
As such, your thread has been flagged for other players' opinions.
Assuming the goal is to KO each other:
If you are 1v1 as a striker against a guardian, you should be able to move fast enough at the right time to not get hit by the guardian. Infact, I find the guardian is still at a disadvantage.