Aren't Tier 3 Phantoms supposed to wield Gran Fausts? I've only seen them carrying the same Shadow Strikers from tiers 1 and 2...
Phantoms and Gran Faust?

And the picture of the phantom does have a Gran Faust, proving that at one time they did use them. So why would it be changed?

Could be a future weapon... I wouldnt mind having a shadow slasher, it would kill jk faster than vile striker :O

nah, they use a weapon similar in effect to a Gran Faust, but they're better. They can shoot 2 GF cursed sword blasts. Still the same sword though.

They really use two weapons. Their charge attack is like a Gran Faust. Now their regular swing where it is 2-3 swings the sword looks and swings like a FoV.

#4 - It probably wouldn't be any faster than the other Strikers.

You haven't heard of the "Cursed Fang of Avenging Strikers"?

It does seem the enemies have a lot of cool stuff we will never get our hands on, Gremlin stuff excluded (Deconstructors, Wrench Wands, Darkfang Shield, and Thwack Hammers are the only examples I can think of here- and no, the Bark Module token rewards don't count until we see a Gremlin using a Catalyzer on us).
And quite a few of the enemies are using variants of our weapons that are inaccessible to us.
In addition to the Shadow Striker/Gran Faust hybrid that the Phantoms carry (they're also wearing Skelly Masks with horns on em!), there's the swords the Mecha Knights use.
They have Hot Edge and Static Edge but they apparently also have Frost Edge, Toxic Edge, and some kind of No-status-effect variant of them that's a neon red color.

Its just suppose to be unique for the enemy. In there world, the GF was probably inspired by the Phantoms weapon. It'd be cool to be able to obtain one though, their swords are amazing.

Gremlin gear......the twack hammers, the wands, the shield( which you can get but its very rare and i wish it had a 5 star, I think a shadow boss that you can get tokens for a shadow fov would be cool, but instead of fire, chance of curse I would love that sword O_O

Maybe its possible for a future boss update. Imagine a phantom boss, and his sword being a token prize...

Or maybe in their world people who die using the Faust are automatically doomed to roam graveyards forever, regardless of their actual morality/how they used the Faust.
Also +1 for Neon Edge (That's gonna be my name for the bright red Static/Hot Edges the non-elemental Mech Knights carry)

Still wanting to know. Why did they get rid of the Fausts for them!
Would have been epic to fight one....
P.S In T3 their Charge is like a Divine Avenger's, except with Curse and shadow damage (obviously)
I am confused on it aswell.... it shoots the beam of a GF though. Even in the wiki discription says its a Gran Faust yet its not... ''Tier 3: Carries Gran Faust. Charged attacks will release three sword projectiles, knocking players back''