Say I'm looking for specific 2 star gear making recipes (like the magic set, the wolvar set, etc). Last several terminals I've been through, only had 1 star recipes. The moorcraft manor vendor seems to match the town vendor.
Is there a trick to get the terminal vendors to shuffle? (I was running the same gateway/portal thingie.) Or is it more of a refresh time, and hitting after that time arrives equals better chance at seeing the higher demand recipes?
Can't go deeper till I gear out in 2 stars, so somewhat curious. (Though at this rate, I'm going to have the mats to make multiple 2 star armors and helms and shields before I find the recipes.)
You're just getting bad luck. The last time I went diving in Tier 1 for basic recipes, I went 5 times, I got 1 star recipes at least three of those times. And I was using the same gate (perhaps that says you shouldn't keep going into the same gate too much). But you CAN force it to change even by running the same gate. If you have time, try running different gates to see what happens.