I always do. And I cant stand it when people stop them from fusing. I left a party today after the 2 people I was with wouldnt let them.
Do you allow lichens to fuse?
I usually just kill everything willy-nilly, but if a party member requests that we let them fuse, then I do. I don't really care myself, because I have never seen convincing data or argument that fusing leads to better heat, crowns, or materials. Can someone give such data/argument? Particularly for crowns and materials --- I don't care about heat.
I'm not sure if you let them fuse that you get all the loot added up from each section of Lichen. I'm sure there is some capped amount of loot that a monster can drop. Even though I've seen Lichen Colonies spit up quiet a few things time and time before.
Anyways, I let em fuse if my party members want to.
I usually let them fuse if I'm on a lichenous lair level or something, but I don't if it's in the last room before RJ and I'm planning to go down.
It's really satisfying when you finally kill them, and the entire screen fills with heat, crowns, mats and hearts.
But I avoid the Giant Linchen Colonies because those are a big pain.
Damn yeah I do. I love it when they fuse together.
"Hurf durf I'll combine into a larger, more manageable and easer to hit foe. I'll win for sure then!"
I don't. Not intentionally anyway. Thinking on it now, I have to say I'm ambivalent either way, unless someone knows which way is better for drops (assuming that it's not even or nearly so). Hard to get excited about fighting jellies no matter how big they are (has never fought RJ, is prepared to eat his words, but the point stands regarding lichens either way).
+1 Spadger.
I'd rather have one big monster in front of me than 3 of them surrounding me. My problem is back attacks when I'm heaving a slow sword around.
As far as loot drops, I think there's more chance of shard drops with smaller ones, but colonies have a few different mat drops that the smaller ones don't. higher-order gel drops being one, though I have no clue why anyone would need them at this point.
oh, and when I'm in a group that does that, I just stand back and let them take care of their business. I'm not in enough of a rush to charge forward and waste my HP. Chances are there's gonna be at least one guy savagely swinging his striker and getting tagged while doing it. Pull out your gun and plink away, and get your free heat when they're all dead and you're on mop-up duty. It'll allow me to actually hit the mobs for real damage, instead of having the mob pushed away from my 200pt shot by a flurry of 30pt shots.
Yes and no, depending on what's in front of me. I don't care either way. Whatever it drops as small or giant is relatively unimportant and unimpressive.
I don't even see why the person in the first post would even get so mad at those who prevent fusions though. Not like you'll get a big benefit if you join them.
When have Giant Lichen Colonies ever been a problem? Unless you're not carrying a shadow weapon, or only have piercing weapons.
I like to get them to fuse, but it's so annoying when people rush in and haphazardly kill everything. I usually just shield bump everything away from my teammates.
I always allow lichens to fuse, it always seems to give a lot more payout, and hey I love the challenge that comes with it!
I stop as soon as they're all fused and I tell them that I want the lichens to fuse.
I get that's what you want, what I'm saying is, better to talk to them and get everyone on the same page than to be obstructionist in the middle of a fight. It goes the other way, too; if most of the party agrees to let 'em fuse and one guy runs in and wrecks it, there's no call for that. But if you haven't said anything... well, apart from trying to game arena spawns* and a few other select instances, the default mode in this game is pretty much "kill everything asap, starting with the healers". Can't blame your group for that if you haven't discussed it.
*and even then, not everybody does that, either
Meh, sometimes I do, sometimes I'm too lazy. I'll let them fuse if someone wants me to.
I still have not seen a concrete argument for better payoff after fusing. My experience is if I kill one little one it seems to produce about the same amount of crowns and heat as if I let 2 or 3 fuse together. I feel like fusing looks like it is wasting crowns and heat. Maybe their is an argument for higher quality mats (though fewer) if you let them fuse. After trying to figure out which looked better I just decided that I would kill whatever was in front of me as it came and let the gods sort it out. If they fuse, they fuse.
ya unless they form a colony, i don't see any worthy gain either.
When have Giant Lichen Colonies ever been a problem?
When they come with four alpha wolvers and two T3 gremlin healers? OK, I no longer find that a huge problem, but it certainly is a lot more of a challenge than what you find in the second part of an arena...
I always stop them before they become a giant thorned colony. Anything under is fine, though.
I mainly solo though, so no party members to annoy.
And I fought one of those super huge colonies. It wasn't fun.
I allow lichens to fuse most of the time.
I usually don't care. I try to avoid it if possible, but I don't go too far out of my way to prevent it. I can take on giant lichen colonies when they are by themselves.
But, it's a different story when when we're in a danger room or an arena. In those cases I might die in order to stop them from merging.
They're fun to fight, and really a challenge, especially with 2 or more.
In Lichenous lair, I often drag them along with me, letting them fuse along the way, then kill it with a series of Tempered calibur charges while it's in a corner. 400+ damage ftw!
I usually let them , it's fun. And the giant lichen colonies were never a problem for me, so...
I only let lichen.pngs fuse.
I haven't seen concrete proof yet that lichen colonies offer bigger rewards than small, individual lichens, so I don't really care. I'm fine with someone else in my party wanting them to fuse, however.
I really don't like the horned lichens though.
I usually let them fuse, but on rare occasion I don't just to spite people I don't like. There was someone who came into a JK run the other day (on the cold fusion stage) and said to kick anyone who didn't let the lichens fuse. I went out of my way to prevent them fusing (by killing, shield bashing apart, ice-vialing, ect) because I absolutely hate people who try to micromanage other players or act like they have any authority over them. The guy wasn't even leader, he was telling the leader to kick anyone who didn't let them fuse. Had he simply asked us to let them combine I would have absolutely obliged, but since he was barking orders I went into troll mode.
Words of warning: I know how to play, and I know what I'm doing when and why; if you bark orders at me, I go into troll mode.
(And in case you care, the leader didn't kick me for it :P)
- - - - -
Anyways, that's the end of the ranting part of this post. It seems like you get more from killing a fully-combined lichen colony than by killing the individual lichens, but that's probably because you get it all at once. If you were to keep tabs on the drops from each individual lichen, the money and heat from killing individually would probably be close to the same; from what I know about material drop tables, I think the lichen colonies have better material drops.
As an interesting side note, before we knew what to call them my friends and I referred to them as lichen-lings and ultra-lichens (being Starcraft 2 players, the comparison to zerglings and ultralisks was the first thing that came to mind).
Don't care either way. Massive Lichen Colonies guarantee heart drops though, and since i can kill one without losing health, i do that if i ever need hearts.
...solo anyway.
EDIT: Loot wise i have never checked to see the difference.
Take one Giant Lichen colony,
Add a curse vile and watch it kill itself = lols
Load it up with Biohazard charges = big satisfying lag inducing explosions
Well, I've never seen proof that letting them merge yields better loot but I don't see compelling evidence either way so I cannot see how that encourages either choice. If I had to make a bet based on what I have read, though, I'd bet on letting them merge based on better chances of rarer mats- even if overall loot value is lower otherwise. I'm sure that in the long run I'm more likely to be lacking an expensive high-star-rating mat than a common one when I go to craft something. No one has shown me proof either way, but it's also not terribly important that my intel on this particular issue be accurate.
I like to merge them because I find "Baneling" size and greater MUCH more fun to fight and more satisfying to explode, and even favour having a Piercing weapon to minimise accidents, but usually don't have the patience to slowly drag them through half the level just for that. If I think the next group is probably far away, I'll kill the current colony so I can get to the next fight sooner. Red Supergiants, as I like to call them, are great fun to try to stick as many Toxic Catalyser charges to as I can while not letting them kill me with their "Lurker & Hydra" attacks. It probably helps a lot that I have a couple of good weapons for slimes, though, and I'd probably rather kill them when they're less dangerous if I weren't especially well-equipped to handle them.
I'll go along if more than half of the party is afraid of letting them merge, (usually; I have the same compulsive reaction to bossy people as Tlachtli, though it hasn't come up yet in SK for me) but otherwise my default task sequence is: kill healers => kill fire magnets => kill everything other than lichens => herd lichens and enjoy.
Some people here are saying that merging leads to more fun, and I totally respect that. Fun is the whole point of playing. Birgus suggests that merging may lead to more precious materials. If that's true, then that's a good argument for merging. But we still have no strong evidence that merging leads to better materials, or more crowns or heat.
I guess I'm surprised, because I often encounter people (like the original poster) who demand that we let lichens merge. They act as if it's obviously more lucrative --- as if I'm an idiot for just killing small lichens quickly. And then, when they're challenged to support their view, these militant mergists have no evidence.
Not only is it more fun, but in fact a lot quicker and easier on certain levels to just let them merge and curse them - a giant lichen colony is SO aggressive that it kills itself with very little help from shooting/ hitting it.
...a certain lichenous lair is very fast, run in, break blocks, run around chopping plants for coins whilst they merge, throw curse vial, back away, shield up and watch it spasm to death...far easier than chasing a dozen little puddles of slime around going hack hack hack and getting frustrated when they merge and heal =]
People actually leave parties over these kinds of trivialities?
I don't know how the crowns/heat add up but there is one thing that the big red colonies drop sometimes drop that you're very unlikely to get from the small lichens: vitapods. I remember getting two 8-vitapods from a lichen colony on tier 2.
Also I much prefer one big target over five small targets
I don't want to see them, due to the fact I really, really dislike dealing with a fast glob of spikey goo, that has ranged and a pretty close thorn attack...>.<
But...if a group wanted me too, I wouldn't kill them and let them fuse. Although, I really don't see the point of them fusing, it feels like the payout is no different. I guess it is the fact that it can be more fun and only one enemy to deal with...but still...I rather kill them asap and not have to deal with speedy wrecking ball. >.>
I let em colonize because it is the closest thing we get to a mini-boss in this game *hint hint*
i use to kill lichens b4 they fuse, but now i let them get bigger coz they give better drops(sometimes small lichens drop NOTHING, and even if the big lichen drops less than the small ones combined drops its still more fun killing the big 1)
Bindi-Badgi: Your cursing tactic is often not available. I rarely have curse vials and I rarely carry my Gran Faust, and even if I did it rarely curses. And although watching a monster kill itself is fun --- no argument there --- I'm still not convinced that it's faster than having four party members chop up the little lichens. Maybe if your party were super-coordinated in shield-bumping the lichens together, it would be worth it.
The other posters are just repeating what was said in the first few posts. Giant lichens are fun and slightly challenging. They might be more lucrative, but no serious evidence is being offered.
I don't care a lot either way, and I haven't seen any real evidence for preferring one over the other. If someone in my party has a preference, I'll defer to that. Otherwise, I'll just do whatever suits my mood.
[Although it's literally all already been said, ]seems like there isn't any more you get from letting them merge except better mats. Although it is more satisfying killing a larger enemy, and is much easier to manage than loads of small ones instead. But as for the loot, I doubt anyone's run statistics on it?
as for booting people, or leaving if they don't let them merge is a little over the top imo.
I kill them as I come across them, no questions asked. If someone's going to leave because I kill them, I try to kick them before they can leave, because I don't care for people that are that picky in my party.
I always try to make them fuse, its more fun