I don't understand what the wiki says. I am especially comfuesed on the totems. I just need the whole thing about gates explained to me better.
Please Help!
I don't understand what the wiki says. I am especially comfuesed on the totems. I just need the whole thing about gates explained to me better.
Please Help!
Basic Layout
All right, so first of all, gates are arranged into three Tiers. In each Tier, there are two strata, for a total of six. Each stratum has three depths to it, each of which will have levels associated with that stratum's theme, more on themes below. There can be more than one level to a depth, but you'll only see one each time you go down. Between strata (every fourth depth) are waypoint levels (Basil in the middle of a tier, or the appropriate subtown at the end of a tier) where you can heal, change out equipment, buy recipes, craft, and in the case of the subtowns, gain access to lower Tiers.
The Totem
There are six boxes on the totem. Each box represents a stratum, from top to bottom. The symbol on the box represents one of the stratum themes: Gremlin, Fiend, Undead, Construct, Beast, Slime, Fire, Freeze, Poison, and Shock. Strata will mostly have levels with monsters appropriate to their theme, so the totem gives you a decent idea, at a glance, of what you'll be dealing with in each stratum.
The Gate Map
The gate map, obtained when you go to enter a gate or through the menu while underground, gives you an in depth look at the gate. It shows the levels for each depth. Hover over the symbols to get the name. The symbols refer to the level type, the color of the symbol gives the major monsters of the level, and the background color will tell you the status theme. The wiki has a chart that covers all that pretty well.
Now, there are multiple depths to a level (usually), but you only play one level per depth each time you go down. If there are arrows between the levels in the map, that means the levels rotate in real time. Look on the elevator monitor to see what's ahead. If you want another level on that depth instead, you can wait, though that can take a while. If there are question marks, then it's random what level you'll get; nothing to do but charge on ahead.
EDIT: Forgot to mention about gates cycling. Yeah, they do that, and there's an NPC who'll explain how the strata are determined for new gates. It's also on the wiki. And... ninja'd.
When you complete that whole gate, will anything show up on the totem? And once everything is beat, then what?
Then congratulations on beating the whole gate...? No, nothing will show up on the totem, that's there to show you what the dungeons are like for that gate, not to measure your progress in any way. After that... run it again but go for different levels, or play a different gate, or whatever. By the sound of it, it'll be a while before you're beating Tiers 2 and 3, though. Not that that matters, there's no special prize for progressing down the tiers except harder monsters, more crowns and heat, and different bosses.
How are crystals connected to gates. To my understanding, they unlock levels
And, what do you mean by dungeons?
Sorry to be such a noob asking all these questions, but I just don't understand.
PS: Do you have any control of what levels you go into? If I want to go to a certain one, could I?
When a gate is being formed, which crystals are sold into it determine the themes for each stratum. The two most prevalent gem types are what count. I'm not going to detail the exact relationships here; like I said, the wiki has a picture and Wegner (the NPC who explains about crystals) will show you a similar one if you ask. They don't exactly "unlock" levels, just decide which ones you'll see in a given gate.
By "dungeons" I mean the levels. And yes, you do have some control, depending on the depth. Look at the screen over the elevator. If there's a symbol there, then that indicates which level you'll be going to. If you'd rather go to another one on that depth (you can see all the levels for a depth by looking at the gate map, accessed by the menu; click on the gear icon in the upper left), then you can wait for it. The level for each depth changes in real time, so if you want a specific one, you have to sit and wait for it to come up, then hop on the elevator. If the screen shows a "?", then you're out of luck; that depth is random, so you have no control over where you're going.
EDIT: Also, when I refer to the screen by the elevator, I mean the one in the party lobby or at the end of a level, not the one next the the gate before you first go down, that one just identifies the gate.
Alrighty then, let's explain
Gates are the doorways into dungeons, which allows you to get crowns, materials and what not. You have to pay 10 energy (5 during power surge weekends) in order to descend into a lower floor. There are 29 floors in total to traverse.
The totems that you see in front of the gates symbolizes what theme it is for that particular stratum. A stratum is defined as the floors in between rest floors (there are six rest floors, so that equates to six stratums) The symbol represents either a common monster type or a status effect. The monster type stratum typically hold that kind of monster as a majority, and the status is status that is most prevalent. You cannot change gates that are active, but you can change gate stratums on inactive gates using minerals. Inactive gates are found at the right most of the Arcade, and minerals are found within the Clockworks.
Hope this helps.