I've been seeing plenty of guides for pure Swordmasters, Gunslingers, & Bombers & so I'm wondering: is it really necessary to specialize in this way or is it possible to stay a Sword/Gun/Bomb user till end game? If it is can someone attach a link to a guide about that (if there is one I:)?
Is It Really Necessary to Specialize in One Area?

Thank You! Looks like if gun/sword combos FTW! ^.^ I may end up doing what you suggested: open my third weapon slot & upgrade my cutter to both WHB & DVS along with an awesome gun of some type ;)

You don't need to have all guns if you get gunner armor for example. It is possible to solo T3 with 3 guns, I guess a sword will be handy sometimes (additional 250 CE/month for that 4th slot though).
Or you can pick any weapon you like and yet equip the same Wolver/Gunslinger/Demo to enjoy some weapons bonuses, armor with no damage bonuses (e.g. Cobalt Set, Grey Owlite Cloak) or be a bounty hunter against specific monsters (e.g. Deadshot, Valkyrie)...

Others already answered: for monsters, one weapon might be slightly better, but there is usually no need to be pure-something, however because the way the equipments are conceived a pure-whatever can use his/her armor and helmet (and trinkets) to full efficiency (get the bonus on all his weapons), whereas otherwise the bonus will only be useful at times.
That said, I consider myself more sword-oriented, but happily carry around a Polaris (gun) or a Shivermist Buster (bomb), sometimes, even both ! And if by endgame you mean deep T3 or even Vanaduke, well even if my DA will be my weapon of choice in FSC, both Polaris and shivermist are very handy at times... Moreover, having such a setup makes me quite open to different strategies depending on the other players in my party...

I love Sword/Gun/Bomb, but I tune my damage output for swords with the others being secondary. I mostly solo, so I tend to favor Normal damage for each (though I am experimenting with others).
I just did FSC for the first time the other night with:
Vog Cub Cap 5* L5
Ash Tail Coat 4* L10
Wise Owlite Shield 4* L6
Elite Slash Module 5*
Elite Sword Focus Module 5*
Ascended Calibur 4* L10, UV CTR: Low
Valiance 5* L7
Freezing Atomizer *4 L7, UV CTR: Very High (this is my precious & will go Shivermist as soon as I get the recipe)
Granted I was in a well seasoned party, but I pulled my weight pretty well. The Polaris is defiantly better for FSC, but I feel like the Levi is a great sword for FSC vs the Duke in particular. I am heating up a Boltbrand *4 UV CTR Med -> Voltedge 5* for FSC though.

Woot woot! soloists FTW! XD I've been considering going sword damage maximum (full skolver + 2 slash + Barbarous Thorn Shield) to accomodate my (soon to be) WHB (lol i know the DVS is better, but I just like looking really cool when attacking :P), but I have a feeling that it might cripple my gun & bomb. Is that the reason you went with Elite Slash & Focus + Owlite, instead of Slash/Slash + BTS? Would going full skolver really cripple my non-sword weapons or even be worse for a soloist in the long run?

You don't even need that many bonuses, 3 medium bonuses of the same type add up to maximum which is as high as a bonus can go, anything added on top of it is wasted.

Low = 1
Med = 2
High = 3
Very High = 4
Ultra = 5
Maximum = 6
Maximum is as high as it goes. Full Skolver is 2 + 2, so on top of that you would just need either an Elite Slash Module +2 or a BTS + 2. Any more would be wasted.
I use my Cal's charge constantly so I get a lot out of that focus module. Honestly I liked by buffs a bit better before I started my Vog. With Ash Set I had CTR Ultra and DMG Ultra when I used my Dark Thorn Shield. I swap between Dark Thorn Shield (Pierce/Normal/S-DMG+2), Wise Qwlite Shield (Elemental/Normal/Fire/Shock), and Sinister Skelly Shield (Shadow/Normal/Poison/Freeze) based on the stratum I am entering so that at least my shield is tuned to the damage I will be facing.
I started the Vog set to run FSC & if I ever get lucky and roll a Calibur with CTR VH, then I will drop the focus module in favor of a second Elite Slash Module. After I upgrade my Dark Thorn Shield to BTS I'm going to give FSC a try with that, because I really didn't feel like I was leaning too heavy on my shield there & I would like to bump up my sword damage. I plan to craft a full Skolver as well, but it is a low priory at the moment because currently the only T3 boss stratum is Normal/Fire/Elemental/Shadow damage (& a tiny bit of pierce, but jelly are easy). I may try FSC with a Vog/Skolver mix, because I am currently using 3-swing swords which get more benefit from DMG+ then ASI+. I will appreciate the Vog's ASI if I ever start using 2-swingers.
For bombs you are probably really going to want some CTR to really appreciate them. I got crazy lucky and rolled CTR VH on my freeze which will give CTR Maximum after full heat. With out UV you are probably going to want a Module or a piece of demo armor if you will be bombing much. If you do get a piece of bombing armor go with Helmet, because Volcanic Demo Helm gives CTR Med while Volcanic Demo Suit only gives CTR Low. Or if you are a maniac the Mad Bomber Helm is great, CTR M & DMG M (just don't get hit). I mostly just use my sidearm for gunpuppy situations where it is problematic to get close enough to sword charge or for clutch low hp kit situations. So, I feel like it would be wasted for me to try to buff my guns (though I am looking for ASI UV while crafting).

I disagree with needing a sword unless you're seasoned. My boyfriend has solo gunned his way through the entire game, playing defensively on a 200+ ping and has gotten cradle and all + dungeon delver on his first attempt.

Bluescreen & Nodocchi:
Wow, ok, so I could go:
-elite slash
-owlite shield
and still have max sword damage? yay! I'm actually really glad because my owlite shield finally got a UV & then I was thinking I'd have to switch to BTS XD Now, I'm gonna sound really nooby really fast but what's CTR? Sorry, it's hard to remember all the crazy acronyms!
So, to reiterate my gear choices it'd be:
1) skolver
2a) WHB (I love it, sorry :P)
2b) Polaris
2c) -Idk about which bomb yet. any suggestions?-
3) Elite Slash Mod.
4) Owlite Shield w/ Poison resist UV (I forget how high it is exactly...)
*5) Soaking Wetstone Pendant (for T3 to replace lost fire resist since I'm not using Vog?)
Sound good for a soloist? Which one should I upgrade first?
Shennynerd: Wells, I actually started off the game with a sword & favoring it so I think that if I did have to choose one area it'd be swordmastery. At the same time I do enjoy gunning a lot & bombing sounds like crazy fun, so I ended up being a soloist XD

playing defensively on a 200+ ping
I need to know. :D
Yeah, I've gunned on my main because it's easier in lag than slashing... but recently I learned to sword in lag and I enjoy it more (for now).
EDIT: IMO in lag, gunning and maybe bombing tends to be easier than sword.

Never said Sword/Gun/Bomb was the only way. I have seen a vid of Sick soloing the Duke with only bombs...
Bombs, I'm a big fan of the Freezing Vaporizer line -> Shivermist Buster. I use it with my Cal a ton, to freeze then get off 2-3 hits with my sword charge. They are great for crowd control. Also, I am a fan of the Blast bomb line -> Nitronome. They have a short fuse (quick Charge Time), a fast walking speed while charged, good damage, and big knockback. There is a pretty steep learning curve here though where you will have to learn how to not send enemies flying into yourself & at my bomb skill level I probably would not whip this thing out in a party. Nitronome = Blue Screen Of Death. The blast animation is very obstructive to vision and can get party members killed by obstructing vision as well as flinging enemies (so perfect for solo). The Snarby bomb line may be good too, but I haven't really used mine.
CTR = Charge Time Reduction (the wiki is your best friend)
WHB? well to each their own. I tried to love the Cutter in my T1 time, but found the Charge Attack ridiculous (still swinging long after my foe is dead & my teammates have moved on) and I don't like the Cutter line for crowd control due to its narrow swing arc. They do excel vs single targets though. I may make a DVS sometime to speed up JK runs (have recipes), but I'm not really motivated because it doesn't seem necessary.
Priorities: I don't know what Star you current loadout is but I would work on getting that Elite Slash module before starting on other 5* gear, because it is really helpful and no recipe searching. Shield would be a high priory to get to 4* also. Whether or not a wetstone is enough to get you through FSC is up to your personal skill. I did fine with just my Vog Cap, but I was with a seasoned party so my first solo FSC may be a wakeup call. The order that you upgrade stuff is kinda personal and will depend on where you think you are lacking most and the recipes you can find/afford. For instance are you dying because your shield broke? are you dying because you suffered huge damage from a certain type of attack (Elemental/Piercing/Shadow/Normal)? are you dying do to a certain status affliction (Stun/Freeze/Fire/Shock/Poison/Curse)? are you dying because it just took too long to wear down your enemies (which type of enemy)? These questions will drive your upgrade priorities. I tend to favor offensive upgrades first, because I figure they can't hurt me if they are dead & it forces you to practice dodging (critical in T3, T1 you can soak, T2 you can shield, but T3 really demands avoidance).
Okay, I'm not all that seasoned of a player, but I remember having the same question. The answer is this:
There are two styles when you go through the clockworks. The first is when you go through with a party of up to four players. This has benefits that I'm sure you have noticed, the main being that they can revive you.
The second style is solo. This is when you go through by yourself. This is seen as easier by some players because monsters have much less health. But you better not die... Since no one can revive you, and you'll have to use energy.
Now, in a non-random party (such as a guild Jelly King run or something with friends), things will commonly be coordinated. One person will be a bomber (one is usually essential for any boss run, especially JK), and the other three will most likely be swordmasters. Gunners are usually rare. Also, pure swordmasters are rather rare, as they are disadvantaged without some long-range weapon. Generally, one gun is advised.
Now, if you are usually going solo, you NEED a sword (unless you're a seasoned pure player of another type, but that's different). You also can choose from either a gun or a bomb. If you have another weapon slot, usually another sword goes there.
Usually, someone has a sword and either a gun or a bomb. I would not recommend a gun and a bomb with no sword, since you are disadvantaged for close combat, and guns and bombs cause way less damage. I, for example, have a sword and a gun. As you progress through the game, you may find your hidden talent for bombing, or maybe even gunning. But generally, no one specializes in one thing.
"End game", as you call it, is probably tier 3. The game doesn't end, that's just the highest you can go. By that time, most likely you will have multiple swords, and will start upgrading different guns or bombs.
But to answer your question, no. It is really not necessary to specialize. The game is easier than you think. It is a good idea to specialize if you are going with a coordinated party, but as you start out, you'll usually tag along behind the big guns (which are actually swords in this game).
Hope that helped!