There were scuttles, one wave of Retrodes, and one wave of Mechaknights. The rest was Oilers, Polyps and Alpha Wolvers. WTF??? I got whupped on, being all set up for IMF like I was.
There were scuttles, one wave of Retrodes, and one wave of Mechaknights. The rest was Oilers, Polyps and Alpha Wolvers. WTF??? I got whupped on, being all set up for IMF like I was.
Happens now. Be prepared. The Alpha Wolvers are the biggest threats though.
it's that nasty mishmash level with like 6 different choices before Ironclaw. What a friggin mess.
Oh well. Lesson learned, I guess. I'll watch the gate maps a little closer.
This is why having a varied set is good. All attack types and decent defense in everything; 2 types on armor and 1 on shield, with UVs to help. Otherwise most of t3 is going to be tough.
I do specialized sets on t3 runs and either anti-robot or anti-flesh on T2...unless it's JK, and I have a particular set for that too. I was set for anti-robot, and they gave me fleshies.
Well the alpha wolvers are understandable, but the other stuff is strange. Might have been a jelly stratum, which had Robo Rampage...
Well either you or the game is lying...